

8 posts • 256 comments
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Accruing wealth far and above what is necessary to live a comfortable or fulfilling life should be pathologized.


I’m always lamenting how sides reach extreme positions because nobody talks to eachother anymore. So instead of taking another potshot back at you, I will be genuine for a moment (a rarity, if you peruse my post history) and lay out my rationale.

  • I am unconvinced that the purported threat amounted to anything more than a seasonal flu.
  • Dreadful predictions and models were drummed up early on in the interests of industry and investors seeking to create “healthy new markets for vaccines”.
  • I do not know anyone, or of anyone, in the flesh who had fallen ill or died in a way as the disease was described. Only through screens, had anyone ever seemed to hear of it. Take away the screens, and one might not have even known that there was a supposed disease of medieval proportions.
  • I was among throngs of crowds in major cities during the height of the issue (protests/rallies) and never fell sick, nor had anyone I’d known also in those crowds.
  • Upon closer examination, experts (I mean the experts™) often held conflict of interest or were outright placed in public eye by aforementioned industry and investor interests. To the degree that I and others now joke about the sloganeering.

We are going on five years from those events. I don’t have any delusions that any amount of argumentation or persuasion will be able to swing either of us toward the other’s view. And yet, here we are.


The part that actually describes how the ban would work is at least one hyperlink away from the article.

If ByteDance doesn’t sell TikTok, app stores in the US would have to drop the app, and Internet hosting services would be prohibited from providing services that enable distribution of TikTok in the US. Companies that violate the prohibition would have to pay civil penalties.

(5) INTERNET HOSTING SERVICE.—The term “internet hosting service” means a service through which storage and computing resources are provided to an individual or organization for the accommodation and maintenance of 1 or more websites or online services, and which may include file hosting, domain name server hosting, cloud hosting, and virtual private server hosting.


I remember Hooktube. That was when front ends were still trying to play nice by accessing youtube the “right way”.

They killed that one off pretty hastily.

Invidious was the hero successor, but I think we all knew that it would eventually come to this. Invidious’ most recent fixes for blocking involve passing identity tokens, making a concession that Google is then better able to track users behind Invidious.

I’m not sure how much farther there is left to go on the technical angle of this fight.


I was honestly expecting to receive a lemmy flavored beatdown for that comment.

I am of the persuasion that even if we consider the products to be safe and tested, coercion is still the wrong way to go about it.

I did not reject the pharma shots because it was allegedly unsafe or experimental, but because I don’t believe the threat it claims to prevent against represents a substantial enough risk to warrant all the destructive measures we’ve all been forced to endure.


Further thought: they have to contend with what to do with the string of a tampon when wiping. Whether to tuck it inside, or carefully work around not to smear shit on it.


Anyone tried Lubuntu with LXQT desktop lately?

LXQt is developing nicely, but does not yet have wayland by default.
