If administration does not change agency’s policy in the the way it contradicts your moral I’d say it’s ok
Everyone screaming about democracy just died. In fact it was always dead. Electoral college system basically disregards voter who does not vote for winning party. It’s a system where you have only two choices, thus less competition, thus lower quality of candidates. Then everyone is like “is this best US can do?”. Let alone gerrymandering. People should be rioting, not because Trump won, but because system is not democratic.
No, that means you falling into author’s bait where they misuse term “delete”. Refactoring is not equal to deleting. One can be result of another. But the truth is that extendable code needs to be modular to be extendable. And modular code is easy to refactor. Author couldn’t not name it “Write code that is easy to refactor, not easy to extend” coz it’s even more dumb
See no problem as long as person genuinely likes branding, not because “flex”. For example i have Adidas Original hoodie and I like it has huge logo coz it’s iconic design of hoodie from golden era of hip-hip and break dance. I would never wear same from other brand or even “three stripes” logo from the same brand.
I like cyberpunk esthetics and all but this looks unfinished and ugly
My current project has mostly easy to delete code and not easy to extend. Why? Coz shit was copy-pasted 50 times. It’s not fun to work in this project.