I just joined this website and I am very glad to join along for the ride. I hope more subreddits follow this kind of alternative and delete their subs so Reddit can be left in the dust from barely having anything left to see. Would be a justified end for their greed.
What was your initial reaction when they suddenly created a rule to fire you and blacklist you from being mod again out of nowhere? Must have been quite the surprise, albeit not unexpected.
“You see, son, when a bird and a… uh… power drill love each other very VERY much…”
My first reflex upon seeing that last panel was imagining a girl group all going “GIRL MAKEOVER TIME!” before leading her to get a new haircut and random other places for clothes, earrings, necklaces and such, all in the spirit of getting her a flashy new look.
Reminds me of my good ol’ Space Station 13 days, messing with unknown devices until we would find the infinite corgy summoner, then fill the entire station with them. Good times. Good boys.
I agree. It’s silly to think that a website where most communities frowns upon reposts, yet said members are very eager and proud to announce they’re reposting.
We get it, you’re doubling down on your lack of creativity. Wouldn’t hurt to at least try to give your meme a header that’s actually related to the meme itself. Otherwise it’s no better than a bot if all your titles are following a “Saved meme #19” naming convention.
POV : You don’t know what POV means.
Aside of the obvious term bickering, yeah, sounds about right.