
Maturin [any]

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That first quote is such a weak argument too. People get kicked out of places all the time for doing illegal and terrible things. Who is this “we” that goes “after the bad guys and holds them accountable”? What does that even mean?

And while we’re at it, why wouldn’t there be some sort of interdiction with the post office? Are “we” not telling the government about these bad guys doing illegal and/or terrible things? Are “we” Batman or something?


Turning it into a hyperbolic comparison immediately diffused just how apt the comparison is in other ways


Zionists have pushed a thesis that there is a Jewish ethnicity but there is not one. There are multiple ethnicities where many if not most members are Jewish but to say a Jew from Eastern Europe and a Jew from Ethiopia are the same ethnicity is patently absurd if the word “ethnicity” is used consistently with how it’s otherwise used for any other “ethnic” group. Also, literally anyone can convert to Judaism and they are then 100% Jewish as are their progeny. You can’t just change your ethnicity like that.


But this is exactly the point. Zionists invented the concept of Jewish ethnicity and then shoe-horned Jews of all different ethnicities into big boxes that don’t have any biological, cultural or scientific reality. Because they wanted to pretend like there was a consistent gene pool of people with common blood. But it was and is artificial.


Pretty telling that Zionist Jews care so much about Santa. I prefer the classical Jewish position of “Santa is a Christian myth that doesn’t belong in secular spaces.”


Can you elaborate on you second bullet point a little? I’ve definitely not surveyed all academia on the Khazars but almost all criticism of the hypothesis I’ve been able to find is straight up hasbara talking points that simply treats the idea as a heresy without actually engaging in any sort of objective evidence based response. They even call it the Khazar Heresy even though the Jewish religion is indifferent to the “genetic” origins of Jewish groups across the world. The heresy is a heresy against the Zionist religion in that formulation. And from proponents of the Khazar idea, while I’ve seen them use it, in part, as a cudgel against the idea of a Jewish nation emerging from a specific gene pool in the Levant, arguing that this is actually a concession to Zionism seems like accepting Zionist bad-faith counter-framing (which is done by Zionists in bad faith).


I see what you mean. Most of my exposure to the hypothesis (other than the aforementioned Zionist tropes) is from Cold War era non-Zionist Jewish sources, and they really didn’t deal too much with the Yiddish thing. I believe the idea of the constant movement of peoples, in those tellings, explained why they ended up north and west of Khazar land for the same reason the Magyars and others ended ups in similar places. The main up-shot of those sources, at least in my reading, kind of goes to your final point, but in a different way. The idea being that the peoples in the Steppe were always a fluid amalgam of people and there were home-grown Jewish influences there that became a cultural seed that developed in groups in the area that sought to neither ally with the Christian world to the west and what was developing into the Persian/other empires and Muslim world to the east. So that reading of it goes that essentially no one has mythic ancestors in any one place because the version of history during any time period where one would posit a homogenous genetic group stayed “pure” from others is, at least with respect to Eurasian and African history, false. As those writers point out from the genetic (albeit, genetics as they existed a few decades ago) perspective, Jews generally are more genetically similar to the populations they live with than Jews from disparate places have genetic commonality with each other. I definitely agree none of this matters with respect to the current genocide of the Palestinians, but the modern politics overshadow the almost mundane aspect that I am more curious about regarding the movement and interactions of peoples from Eastern Europe to Central Asia prior to and after the Rus came into the picture.

  1. Please don’t conflate Israel and “Jews.” Zionists control the mainstream news, not the Jews. Zionists control the US government, not the Jews. Most Zionists are Christians, especially in the United States.

  2. Zionism has always leaned into antisemitic tropes because it is a fundamentally antisemitic ideology so this is by design and they hope that casual observers will conflate Zionists actions with Jews generally to increase global antisemitism.
