This is a really good idea if you’re in a position to be putting any cash savings aside. In a perfect world everyone would have 3 months of expenses in cash savings, obviously that’s not always realistic, but if you combine that with an offset or revolving credit then you have the benefit of having that safety net while still saving the interest cost on that money. Our offset mortgage saves us about 100 bucks a week, a good chunk of that is just my provisional tax sitting aside waiting to pay the IRD.
Just to flip this, do you have any sources that horseshoe theory is a real thing? That’s the funny thing about language, someone put Theory in the name and now people think it’s a real thing.
To save you the trouble, it hasn’t held up under academic study. Plenty of info on Wikipedia about it.
They don’t want to be told they have to wear a mask or that people should stay home from work when they’re sick. Anything that would impinge on the rights of businesses to make money is against my freedoms.
It’s the climate crisis but for health. Some people just can’t bear to give up their treats in order to save lives.
Tech has an abundance of people who really need to be right in an argument. I’ve had this same argument with a developer at a client company of mine. Just couldn’t let it go when I said I was comfortable with the Jetbrains suite and used their language specific tooling instead of VSCode.