Regardless of what has or hasn’t happened… I really want to know what the hell congress were on about when talking of “crashed UAP’s with “biologics”” - what fucking biologics? Human test pilots? Funky new biological components? Aliens?!
I hate that it’s all cloak and dagger… Just fucking spill the beans about what the hell you’re on about damn it!
Hold on… A show getting 100% represents the entirety of its content NOT having any woman characters talking about a man correct?
Last I checked, women do indeed talk about men, and men about women… So to have a 100% pass would be… Unnatural.
The test should ideally never be passed with 100% (at least over the course of several episodes) - because that’s just not how humans behave - but then it shouldn’t have a low score either.
You switch because new information has been added… If the host didn’t reveal what was behind one of the doors, you wouldn’t switch (or do, it wouldn’t matter the chances are the same).
Host shows you something that removes things from the table… And that impacts the probabilities.