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“The only ‘fair’ is laissez-faire, always and forever.” ― Dmitri Brooksfield

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Tell me how you don’t know the difference between corporatocracy and capitalism without telling me how you don’t know the difference between corporatocracy and capitalism.


Sorry, but I don’t love the taste of the boot of the monopoly of violence (the State) and it’s robbery (taxation), mass murder (war) and slavery (conscription).

Bureaucracy, corruption, FIAT money, intellectual property, common goods, the welfare state… The idea of an oligarchy of politicians controlling and regulating the economy and our private lifes in the name of “democracy” and “the common good” is actually helping those billionaries we BOTH hate so much.

Social democracy is practically the same thing as corporatocracy, but with a little of populism. On the other hand, “any step toward socialism is a step toward economic irrationality”.


The temptation and crucial flaw of a totalitarian mind are that everyone must play a part in a superstructural battle between good and evil. Standing on the sidelines or taking a neutral position on present topics is not allowed; one may not merely observe or ignore the madness played out among the power hungry.

Everyone needs a take; everyone needs to “be informed” on the grand, irrelevant events of our broken times. Everyone needs a flag in their profile picture—a not-so-grand gesture indicating that they support the “latest thing.”


Here in Argentina, science funding is not working because the investments made in any research are too stupid: (some examples from CONICET)

“Los Cumpleaños en los Mc Donalds.”
“El fútbol como espectáculo de masas.”
“Jóvenes travestis en la escuela secundaria.”
“Vidas Queer, nazismo y dictadura: sexualidad en textos alemanes y argentinos.”


“Commerce” is only possible if both parties are willing to respect each other’s natural right to have private property and each other’s right to express consent (voluntary exchange). By trading these goods, there is a mutual benefit (social cooperation) that emerges from wanting to satisfy their own self interest.

I think this is pretty capitalist for my taste. (And please, it’s not the same as corporatocracy).


They going to vote from their own Bolsonaro and fuck every miniority over there.

It’s interesting how you are saying that minorities need “positive rights” (monopolical privileges from the State) to participate in society, violating the individual rights of the others.


By “ideal capitalism” I think you meant praxeology (Mises’s Human Action) and Austrian Economics.

People are not perfect, and if they make mistakes, they should be the ones responsable for their own actions. This does not happen by the existence of FIAT money, subsidies, taxation, positive rights and every regulation the Monopoly of Violence does in our private lifes and commerce.


the people can rise up against the capitalists to stop them from poisoning our only habitat we are all wholly dependent upon

Are you ignoring all the labor these “capitalists” and their workers do to provide you the goods we all wholly demand upon? All of this is done by social cooperation between both of them by voluntary association.

We can stop the self-destructive madness of demanding infinite growth carved out of the ass of a finite world.

This would work if the price system would actually work as intended (free from the intervention of the State) to distribute all the scarce resources in a free-market setting.

Greta is doing the right thing in the face of Armageddon

By wanting the Monopoly of Violence to step in? To call the international organizations (spoilers: they don’t care about us) to intervene in foreign countries?

Almost everyone else will either continue begging the sociopathic oligarch polluters to stop

They can actually do that because of the existence of “common goods” and of the monopolical privileges granted by the same State, such as subsidies, regulations discreetly affecting SMEs, the lack of enforcement of private property to protect those “common goods”, etc.

but those are usually the same people that get angry at others for claiming the “free capital market” isn’t the cure for the many self-inflicted human crises caused by the “free capital market.”

On the contrary; they love subsidies, they love intellectual property, they love FIAT money, they love the monopolical privileges: basically, their activities depend entirely on the mere existence of corporatocracy.


Your (socialist) distinction between “personal property” (consumer goods) and private property (producer goods) is purely arbitrary. The difference between consumer and producer goods is totally subjective, as it depends of the individual using that good.

Each people as its own goals, they can use various means to achieve them and their knowledge, preferences and skills are not the same.
