SS paperwork is filled out and mailed at the hospital, then delivered to the house when the number is assigned. Birth certificate is printed at town hall of the city where the child was born, whenever you get around to bringing the certificate of birth over. At least that’s how it worked in Maine for my last kid.
I like seeing them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also just heard a second plane hit the twin towers
I live in a town of 500 people. After a night class, I once followed a car from a major city 1.5 hours away, all the way to my tiny private dirt road with 25 houses on it, at 1030PM. I’m sure whoever was driving thought they were about to get yoked. If they even noticed lol
I think that under reacting to situations like this is human nature. As an adult, I would definitely call 911 and deal with the repercussions after. As a child and teenager, my parents definitely just made me shotgun Benadryl and hopes for the best. I think judging a 17 year old based off of what most sober and rational adults would do isn’t fair.