I saw his Obit notification on my Times app earlier. Shame. RIP George.
It may not mean much but I am switching supplier away from them tomorrow. This is the company that was forcing their way into the homes of people on their arses and installing pre paid meters that cost much more per kwh, not to mention just how sickening this is - “heating or eating” should never have been a thing. Cunts.
I’m afraid that your partner has a coolant addiction and you need to get them checked into rehab.
On a serious note, perhaps sitting in traffic is causing the temp to increase and causing a leak. This would make me think perhaps the radiator fan isn’t working properly?
Yep. I lived in the middle East and SE Asia combined for around 12 years, and while occasionally it was too much, in general I loved the heat and rarely said “its too hot”, I moved back to the UK 3 years ago, in June. Hated it, was cold all the time. Now when it’s more than 25c / 77F on a calm and clear day I’m boiling and can’t sleep at night (barely anyone in the UK has ac at home).
Lol. Correct. Mike others have said I might occasionally go there looking for information, and I miss a few subs but yeah, scrolling NSFW is so much more satisfying there than it is here - 1. Loads of autoplaying gifs / videos and 2. Seemly not so much non conventional porn there as here. Too many cocks, trans, fatties, furries and hentai here!
Great news overall. Not surprised support for Trans and their rights has dropped. A noisy minority have alienated, abused and eroded the good faith of the majority.