I am not technical however I can follow instructions very well. When people were migrating i read a bunch of the stuff and finally got here.
I’m a math education major and a stay at home mom
My MIL can program cobol but can’t use her iphone lol
Strange New Worlds is a great starting point. SNW is set in the 5 year mission before Kirk’s 5 year mission on the enterprise. There are some arcs that you might not get but it’s not necessary to know what the episode is about because it is episodic. I watched the corresponding TOS / Discovery episodes with Captain Pike after I watched the SNW episodes to fill in the parts that I really didn’t get but here is a list of the episodes I watched.
The Menagerie Part 1 and 2 (TOS) -> Through the Valley of Shadows (DIS) -> A quality of Mercy (SNW) -> Balance of Terror (TOS)
Picard season 3 is an absolute must if you watched next gen / DS9. For the whole season to make sense you’ll probably want to watch the last 2 seasons of DS9. If you watch the last 2 episodes of picard season 3, watch TNG’s best of both worlds part 1 & 2, All good things… (the series finale), and Voyager’s Endgame (the series finale) it’ll make more sense.
the last 2 seasons of DS9 is very political and heavy but many people say it’s the best trek - however now SNW is getting close to taking the title.
I lived in conservative california and that sounds about right. Only thing that kept us alive was that my spouse happens to be a vet and we’re asian so we get a pass. We lived there for a while until my spouse got a job after covid. They literally think that it’s a warzone out there. So much bullshit spread about the city. Of course the news just fans the flames.
This lady I knew never went to the fashion district in LA because she pretty much believed that her blond and blue eyed kids would be snatched off the streets by minorities. The ironic thing is that we lived off the I-15 which is a huge human trafficking corridor so the kidnapping would have more likely happened closer to where they live. Also phelan is full of meth heads but you know, that doesn’t matter.
The song is about sundown towns and that makes it racist AF.
Aglet - phineas and ferb
TNG: Time’s Arrow part 1 & 2
DS9: Past Tense part 1 & 2
VOY: Distant Origins, The Haunting of Deck 12, Resolutions, Coda, everything JC :P
ENT: Twilight, Carbon Creek
Trouble with Edward (short trek)
PIC: Absolute Candor, Season 3
SNW: Spock Amok, Those Old Scientists
PRO: Time Amok, The World’s a Stage, Supernova part 1 & 2
My resting bitch face
Have you heard about the awesome sock club from the vlogbrothers? Sign up is currently open. They send one pair every month
Have you heard about the awesome sock club from the vlogbrothers? Sign up is currently open. They send one pair every month and the profit goes to a great cause.
Oh and fuck yea googly eyes!