Hello! So I’m not trying to stir the pot or anything.
Have you looked at Shadowdark?
It was very highly anticipated, had a very successful Kickstarter, and he’s been very well reviewed.
The author has written several well reviewed fifth edition adventures.
Shorthand way to describe it I’ve seen is, modern rules, old school style.
I’m throwing this out there, because it has been described as an old-school variant of fifth edition.
It is so old school that you have to do three d6 down the line.
Also, there is a very interesting real Times Torch mechanic.
A lot of Osr games, put attention on things like scarcity and time this phone put a lot of attention on light.
I haven’t read it so I don’t know for sure but to me that sounds like possibly inspired by dark dungeons. Although I know that wasn’t the first game to have a very prominent darkness mechanic either.
Just wanted to throw this out here I never want anybody to change game systems. I just thought it might be interesting for people who hadn’t heard of it.
Oh, and that is totally a thing that can happen!
I’m so glad that you told them.
This is a little bit of a different situation…
The first villain was an elegant vampire. The second building is a cross between Pennywise, Jeffrey Dahmer in the skin, some murderer from the first pathfinder adventure path.
But I really appreciate your attitude! Yeah, as both a forever player in the forever game master in two different groups, I have been guilty of that definitely.
The struggle is real.
I have! Its quite Fun. I actually really like the pitch black humor like how everyone is a mutant, and knows it ( that they are nothing. Everyone else’s ) including all members of the mutant hating society. Also, the fact that the hated communism had to be invented from old movies and propaganda film because this whole thing had nothing to do with the cold war is it all started because of an accident in the far future.
Thank you so much for mentioning this game. It is a classic.
I have I think two different versions in several of the classic adventures in an omnibus.
Sorry about you guys. Definitely hope you get relief. I have hope for me!
steroid shots may be coming.
( I’m also autistic. I have the darndest time with banter. I’m damn lucky I haven’t been defrauded. There are studies. Autistic people . not only can we not detect humor sometimes. we often Can’t tell when we’re being lied to.)
But I have a question. Have you ever encountered any adventure, or monster or scenario where you were like this is really awesome but it’s super cheap and none of my players would live.
Because that would be perfect for me to run in Runecairn!
Honestly, if it weren’t mostly traps, which I don’t like the tomb of horrors would be great.
And I wish you and yours all the best as well, my friend.
Hi! Thank you for your feedback. I should explain . I’m suffering from an autoimmune condition where every joint is inflamed. I use auto voice text and then try to go back and fix it before I press send. I don’t always manage to fix everything.
Voice text inserts, sometimes where I don’t want them.
I do apologize for the unnerving experience, and will attempt to improve.
I hope you’re having a great night gamer!
I agree! Sadly, in many systems, the players likely just bleed out.
There’s actually a really cool osr Adventure called of date of expiration. There are many opportunities for players to lose several limbs and get mechanical replacements.
Sadly, for fans of replacement lens, like the both of us Runecairn would not let that work.
Well, you can improve your stats by sacrificing souls to the bonfire. You are connected to the skein of fate.
… of course your warden could just you know not do that.
Rulings, not rules!
Thank you so much for your comment.
Omg yes! I just discovered her and I think I listen to half of her bardcore covers already.
I love her voice and I love how she changes the lyrics but only just enough. I also love how her versions are different just like how every covers a little different. Her hurt was apparently about an immortal king.?
I absolutely love her Jolene to pieces.
So I am utterly new to this genre of music. Is there any bardcore that you can recommend?