Here’s my question, why was the malfunction not replicated and monitized by the Ferangi as a beauty produced? “Look 10 years younger because you will be 10 years younger”
I am 100% willing to help start a 501(c )(3) with the goal of creating free access to satellite internet
I worked in the rental industry for a minuet, and I left because the people in the industry do not think of their renters as people. To property owners, renters are objects that you put in a property to make the property generate money.
But is it even evil? Like there were contracts involved with terms and conditions. Its not like some guy with a handle bar mustash just swiped the IP and walked away. Someone agreed to the contract that resulted in the loss of their company/IP and if they didn’t read it or consult with legal lawyer who’s bad guy?
This just cements my session to switch to LebriOffice. Published is an amazing tool, and I use it daily in my work.
I won’t tell anyone I won a scratch off, but there will be signs.