I think that you overextimate the american exceptionalism. In the xx century the europe was destroyed in the ww leaving the usa as the only state not touched by the wars. The rest of the world was lagging techlogicaly. Now the situation is different. Usa is a young country and it is not different from any other.
The assault of the refugee hotel was in rotherham, and the riots were mostly in the north of england, in labour areas where the phenomenon of the asian grooming gang were most prevalent. I remember rotherham cause it was the most in(famous) case and also one of the places of the worst riots.
Lol, so ban every news… We have politicians telling worst thing that a simple fake news and no one riot. Maybe a thousand of rapes in one city could cause it. Here ONE rape is a news with the name and the nationality of the criminal. Why the people that havr covered that are not in jail?