Do a little dance, he said.
Get down tonight, he said.
What he didn’t say, was an electron has both mass and spin yet has no definite location.
Okedoke, well I just learned that I have no concrete grasp of political labels and need to do a LOT of research.
Just had to draw them all sexy-like.
shakes fist at sky
furiously takes notes
Ah yes, the “wait for x turns and then throw a rook back in time” game. Jurrasic Rook.
Or my favorite, “I won? How? Oh, my queen just check-mated them 3 parralel worlds over and 7 turns ago”
I know this is a circle-jerk meme, but I’mma pitch my two cents anyway.
If we are talking about the Abrahamic god… “he” is both good and evil. So no; to be omnipotent one must also be responsible for evil. Kinda duh.
I could go on, but that right there is pretty much all that needs to be said regarding that god in particular. Good and Evil are man-made concepts, and subjective as all hell.