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How is this even a response? Oh, just do what you deem appropriate and nothing else? Get outta here with that nonsense.


Well you kept apologizing for it. We Americans aren’t accustomed to that.


That’s a shame you couldn’t enjoy it with your friend. Can I safely assume you’re playing on Windows?

I’ve played a fair bit into the first game on my Steam Deck, and it plays great! Sometimes the compatibility tools in Linux are better for playing older games than those in Windows.

You could try HoloISO (community edition of SteamOS) in order to get an environment that’s already setup for you. You don’t even have have to permanently install it. It should be able to boot up to it from an external drive and play the game from there.

It’s not no work to do that, but if you really want to play…


Try this: handwrite your negative thoughts out. Then try to prove to yourself why the feeling isn’t true. Again, write that out. Now tear up the paper and get rid of it. Don’t keep a journal of it.

You would be stunned how much this helps. I got this technique from a doctor who wrote a book about living with what he calls neuropathic disorder (in my case chronic pain). In the book he describes how we can easily make ourhealth worse through negative thoughts. It’s very possible for bad feelings to cause physical pain because the two share the same neural pathways, so it’s critically important not to let your emotions get the better of you.

The book is called Back In Control (the author is a back surgeon). It’s a good read for anyone with chronic illnesses, or even just for those who want to explore how to better control their emotions and live healthier.


Canonical has completely torched my original opinion of them. I started with Red Had Linux back in the late 90s, but it wasn’t until I could get a better-than-dialup Internet connection in the mid 2000s that I was able to finally dump Windows.

At that point, I was hearing a lot of good things about Ubuntu, so I gave it a go. Like most Linux users, I’ve distro hopped. I kept coming back to Ubuntu though. It was just so nice to have a polished Debian available out of the box.

Once they moved the default UI to Unity, I became less enchanted and would use the alternative releases instead. But then came the Amazon ads. And then Snaps and other not-so-hot choices. And now shit like this.

And IBM has destroyed Red Hat now too. Sigh.


He should be fired out of a cannon and into a volcano


You too? I started with Android 1.5 (or whatever the first Motorola Droid shipped with). At that time, Android felt so much closer to my OS of choice - a Linux distro - that I was excited to own a Google phone.

Over time I’ve been less than enthusiastic about what each iteration of the OS brings. Now that it’s near impossible to have root and not have to play Whack A Mole with hiding that root access from specific apps (never mind finding phones where you can unlock the bootloader), I’m out. Google is making it impossible to use your phone the way you want. Pixel phones aren’t attractive to me based on really spotty history.

Linux phones just aren’t there yet. I’ve owned a couple of Pinephones, but I want more from them than they can currently offer.

That leaves Apple. They have their issues, sure, but if I can’t have root control of my phone without massive hassle, then I might as well have a more polished experience. I’m envious of the free features my wife gets on her 2nd gen SE.
