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You could get creative with a premium account “A” where you can designate another person/account “B”(can be free account) with emergency access after a waiting period.

When B requests access it’ll send an email where A can approve/deny access immediately; or if you’re completely locked out, B will be granted access after the waiting period that you can set passes.

B can either be another person you trust, or it could just be a written backup that can be locked somewhere safe but not accessed on a daily basis.

If you want, after designation you can cancel premium and the emergency access will still be active, you just cannot add/edit who has access.


If you nuke the entire thing, you can blame technical difficulties, dropping support for “legacy” products and whatnot.

Whereas if you only delete the offending content, it could mean:

  1. You knew they existed;
  2. You knew they were wrong;
  3. You tried to clean it up/hide it.

When found out, it could be used against you for consciousness of guilt and trying to conceal it. Even if it doesn’t amount to charges it could be a bad look for the company down the road; whereas you could just tank the hit right now for being a heartless CEO and it only goes to the pile of things Reddit is doing for IPO.

But let’s say there’s no crazy conspiracy behind and they’re just trying to clean house. You can never be sure how wide spread it is, or if you can indeed remove everything. Most importantly, why would you even devote extra resources to finding and reviewing for something that adds little to no face value to the main product(s)? Might as well just nuke the whole thing and be done with.


If it makes you feel better, to put things in perspective, the planned discharge of 22TBq per year is actually a lot lower than what other countries with normally operational nuclear power plants are already doing, including Korea.

I’m not an expert in this field either and perhaps there should be a bigger discussion/education to be had if we should all be dumping so much stuff in the ocean, but IMHO if it was deemed safe when Korea discharged 211TBq into the ocean in 2020, this shouldn’t change your mind either.


They should’ve upgraded it to the Logitech G F710


Wow thank you for reminding me this site exists!

dhmy has been around for quite some time. Probably been around longer than a good chunk of the folks here even. I have some stuff downloaded from them dating back to like 2003, albeit dmhy.net at the time.

While I cannot vouch for the validity of the contents hosted there now since I haven’t been to the site for over a decade, if I have to look for something in this niche area I would definitely be willing to use the site. If anything I don’t think the domains have changed hands since.


The important distinction here is who can do the corrupting.


When it was my birthday she bought me a slice of cake which was nice though and gave me a little note.

Sounds like a small gift + a card/note might be a good idea then.

I would suggest something simple like a coffee card, but if you want to be mindful of caffeine intake for pregnant women then maybe an alternative like a box of caffeine-free tea that’s soothing and calming? Or perhaps aromatherapy in the same vein if she’s not allergic to scents?

Moms with small children are stressful enough on a good day let alone going through rough times, something soothing can hopefully make her day more endurable.

Plus a get well card(or something appropriate for the event) with a short hand-written note can go a long way.


I’m just bouncing ideas off and not sure if it works like that, but maybe you can try creating a teen account and link it to your main one.

Recently I noticed there’s an option to let me link teen accounts(and other adults) under a family that lets them order but pay with the primary account.

Assuming teens won’t be able to buy alcohol, perhaps those recommendations would go away too?
