Lmao, no. The dems are as useless as the repubs are compromised.
Control. They already have more money than god, the system has already served it’s purpose. But the safeguards that keep you and me safe also keeps them in line (mostly). Knock those safeguards down, and they can do whatever the fuck they want with impunity. The wealth disparity will only get worse, they will control everything, and we will be literal slaves to their whims.
Which is why im not bothering. Nobody wants to believe bad actors at the top are solely responsible for this because they’re too invested in this culture war bullshit, that’s literally solely meant to keep us apart and keep those at the top in power. They’ll all see soon enough. Its gonna be so much worse.
Lmao, how is this manufactured outrage? They’re claiming the government is wasting taxpayer dollars on frivolous things. What’s more frivolous than a shitty golf course? If they truly cared about saving taxpayers money, that would have been the first thing they cut. But that’s not what they care about, they care about hurting the less fortunate. Which group of people overwhelmingly use gold courses? I’ll give you a hint. Its not people with lower incomes.
Capitalism can exist with or without safeguards to protect the least powerful among us from the most powerful among us. American capitalism has safefguards. The most powerful among us are knocking down said safeguards to take advantage of the least powerful among us. They are killing American capitalism to replace it with their more dangerous version of capitalism. I.e. american capitalism isn’t dying, its being murdered.
I’m just repeating myself now. I’m moving on from this. You have a nice day.
Can we at least get some tactical polos? Ooh, and golf bags with room for a rifle and sidearm?!
Good. Fuck that cespool.