I am totally on team Tendi. She’s such an amazing character. Brains and a badass, not to mention I love her enthusiasm over the small things. Out of all the Star Trek shows and movies, of all the crew we’ve ever encountered, I have rarely enjoyed a character so much, except for maybe The Doctor and Garak.
Yay! My favorite doctor!!! I guess it makes sense seeing that Janeway and Chakotay are included. Not to mention the hologram thing without talking about season 1 spoilers (although y’all should have watched it by now if you haven’t)
Agreed. Whether it was one on Enterprise or an alien planet, etc. Ex: When Worf asks Picard to represent him as his Cha’Dlch on Qo’noS, the crewman who had a partial Romulan lineage on trial and later the witch hunt turns to Picard as a traitor, Q puts humanity on trial, when Riker is tasked to prove Data is not sentient, etc. This subject definitely needs a slice in the pie.
Tom Paris
I am just the opposite. I love musicals and I love Star Trek, but this one was my least favorite of the season. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate them trying something innovative for the Trek series. I enjoyed seeing the actors working outside the box. But overall it didn’t give me the joy that the other episodes have.
Thank you for posting this. It is the first I heard about it. OP - you have made my day!