Space Station 14
“Add ability to load sources which are not a nginx file listing.”
I try to be descriptive while keeping it short.
Rain World Modding
I already know C# so I thought it wouldn’t be that difficult, but I was very wrong. Rain World is a game made with Unity, but the only part they use Unity for is rendering. And the game also doesn’t ship with debug symbols. Doesn’t help that the modding wiki is outdated at places and incomplete. Took a lot of guess work and looking at other mods to figure out what to do, but I got there at the end and learned a lot.
Why the hostility? I get not liking AI (I do not like it either), but being hostile is not necessary. Especially since the Fediverse (Sorry if this is the wrong terminology) is meant to be open and allow communities of all kinds. If you do not like something, downvote it or just block the community it is from and move on, no need to be hostile about it.