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So the idea is that because FTX and Yuga Labs were all mixed up in each other’s business, and because FTX was secretly the buyer of the Bored Apes, then functionally this was a giant wash trade, one step removed. A sham auction whose purpose was to blow up the price of NFTs, and Sotheby is supposed to be culpable because they participated in the sham and lent it legitimacy with their reputation.

That seems like a pretty legit complaint.

I mean, I have no sympathy for the people who got fucked buying NFTs but I have even less sympathy for the people who did the fucking, so absolutely let this lawsuit happen and let them burn.


Reconsidering my choice to live inside a walled glass enclosure, only able to eat fish which are thrown in to me, constantly being watched by gawping spectators.


Here’s an unbiased source.


People are indeed getting the hell out of certain blue states, NY, CA, and IL, probably cause they’re fucking expensive to live in - at least in the big cities where most of the population is.

And FL, TX, ID, SD, and MT are picking up population. ID, ST, and MT are tiny population wise so any change there is a blip, but people seem to really be moving into FL, SC, and TX, for whatever reason.

This data is a couple years old so it wouldn’t reflect recent legal and political changes.

Here’s the thing though. Changes in total population of a state on this list are all between -1% and +2%. That matters, but it’s not like whole towns are being depopulated or anything.

The brain drain issue – doctors fleeing red states – sounds like it’s considerably more dramatic than that, given that most TX counties have zero gynecologists and a significant fraction have zero doctors.


I don’t think you can put this at the feet of BIG DICTIONARY.

Dictionaries are generally descriptivist and don’t preach. It’s style guides and individual angry language weirdos who preach.


this has nothing even remotely to do with patents, fam

but it is indeed bullshit.

the purpose of a “trademark” is to prevent the public from being deceived about what they’re purchasing, so you can’t sell “Big Macs” on your own because the public might be deceived into thinking they were purchasing a product from McDonalds, which (I assume) has trademarked the use of “Big Mac” for fast food.

I HIGHLY doubt the Linux Foundation owns the trademark for “Segmentation Fault” with respect to random merch, so… yeah 100% bullshit

(The image does also say “Linux IP” in addition to “Linux Trademark” and I wonder what the hell that is supposed to mean, since “IP” covers a multitude of dissimilar things, maybe it’s just a vague handwavy assertion they make in order to make a takedown without particularly justifying it?)


So apparently they really suck at it? That’s kind of hilarious

The trolls have demonstrated a weak command of idiomatic English with articles that, while prolific, often misspell key names or use English and Mandarin interchangeably. Other posts — like a critique of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s August 2022 trip to Taiwan — appear long after the events they purported to preview.

At other times, the spammers attempted to push niche and esoteric Chinese propaganda talking points onto unreceptive audiences by piggybacking on clickable search engine optimized headlines. In one case cited by Meta researchers, Spamouflage Dragon trolls filled the replies of social media forum questions like “How do I lose belly fat through weight lifting?” with propaganda articles about “Chinese Police Strengthening International Law Enforcement Cooperation.”

They don’t mention what the propagandists push about COVID. The usual line from weirdo propagandists is that COVID is a secret bioweapon and was released from the Wuhan labs intentionally. I assume China wouldn’t sign on to that one? Do they just push the scientific consensus, which is that the origin is unknown but is probably natural, and possibly an unintentional lab leak? Or an exaggeration thereof which completely discounts the lab leak theory but still asserts what is most probable – it’s from animals? That’s pretty weak sauce for propaganda. Maybe they push some nuance about COVID that only the Chinese government cares about. Or maybe they go buck wild and say it was developed by NATO biolabs in Ukraine.


That’s the right thing to do. Help people who need help.

“I’m gonna only help people who support me, if you don’t support me I’ll fuck you over” is a Trump way to think.


I had read that the Biden administration kept pressuring the railways behind the scenes after the strike was averted till the unions got what they had wanted in the first place anyway.

I don’t know where I first read it but this link seems to confirm it.


“We’re very happy about this. We’ve been trying to get this for decades,” said Artie Maratea, president of the Transportation Communications Union. “It was public pressure and political pressure that got them to come to the table.”


Does anybody have any idea how to evaluate Israel’s claim that it wasn’t them, that it was a Palestinian rocket towards Israel which went wrong and hit the hospital?

Other than just assuming that whatever side you don’t like is lying?

I honestly don’t have a heuristic to evaluate that other than “the side I trust less must be lying about it”

And I’d like a better way to find out the truth than that
