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Canadian cosmonaut desperate for comrades in the worst province.

Yes, the dogs are also communists.

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Me thinks Janine Brodie has only read the Communist Manifesto…

I don’t really have an excuse as to why it took me so long to read this thread, but I finally did and I wanted to thank you for tagging me. Your comment (and all your comments) is very useful for me as a student and future professor, especially that bit about being a Marxist in academia. If the paper is not about Marx directly I really do have to censor myself quite a bit by talking about Marxist ideas and views but not referencing Marxists themselves for fear of being penalized.

To me, this piece by Brodie comes across as Political Science 101. It’s incredibly status quo and doesn’t say much of anything outside of what is already well established. I’m not going to speculate what year OP is in, but this is not out of the realm of first year PoliSci. While I don’t recall ever reading anything by Brodie in any of my classes, I’ve read and been lectured to in the same language. She is also a Canadian academic so maybe thats also why I am sensing severe overlap.


That’s such an insane thing to say too because Ukrainian uses Cyrillic lol


This is going to sound silly but why are helicopters more dangerous? Is it because they’re more private than planes (except private jets, of course) which would make targeting way easier?


Man, they are really hungry for a hot war with China… that sucks lol


Ironic to do this while Palestine is burning. Also he’s supporting the prolonging of Ukraine’s destruction.


These university protests and how the administration is violently imposing the cops on students is making me worried about my future. Right now I’m still in undergrad but I wont be for much longer and will be moving on to my Masters soon (in a little over a year I should be done) but the schools that have graduate and doctoral programs are all cracking down on students hard and I don’t know if I want to go to a school that does shit like that (this is Canada, by the way).

I would like to study abroad but money is an issue and so are my dogs. Money because I am actually on disability so travelling is restricted in general so I would assume leaving the country to study is also prohibited (or at least I would be kicked off and be left with no income); the dogs are only an emotional issue as I don’t want them to be hurt on the plane if I leave the country (I made a post lamenting about this, it was stupid lol). Can I study in a different province? Sure, but again, money is still the main problem. I am more than willing to get a job during my masters and doctorate but losing that support system sucks. This is a weird rant but it’s my genuine feelings. Maybe one or some of you relate, I don’t know.


Juraj Cintula Is the name of the alleged shooter. I was seeing it go around that he was a supporter of the “Progressive Slovakia” party. He’s also a poet and an activist, I also saw an article say he was part of an anti-violence thing too. This is very weird but it seems like Fico is doing well.

Edit: this article is saying that he has worked with a pro-Russian group or whatever, which doesn’t make any sense since Fico is touted as being Pro-Russia. But I guess the idea is that the Kremlin hired him to make Ukraine look bad?


Oh god, the Hong Kong protests. Honestly when they first happened, or at least when I became aware of them, I genuinely thought they were BLM protests because they were happening/being talked about at large at the same time as the protests in America. I saw many people talking about the Hong Kong protests but not about what it was about, so I just assumed it was related since people were drawing connections. Imagine my surprise when I found out people in Hong Kong were freaking out over the extradition of a fucking murderer. Egg on my face, but we live and learn.

But yeah, now that you’ve brought it up I definitely see the parallels. Both protesting over something so insignificant and inconsequential. In Georgia’s case this piece of legislation would actually be a good thing, do they want foreign actors meddling in their affairs? If they’re scared of Moscow, wouldn’t this also apply to Russia?


I really hope Georgia pulls through in this situation, it seems that so much is happening right now globally when it comes to western hegemony. As in, they’re escalating and scrambling more and more to stir up trouble because their hegemony is being threatened. I don’t know what this means for the world but it’s interesting to say the least. I still don’t understand why Georgians are freaking out about this but hopefully they come around. This doesn’t make sense…
