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Whatever the technical reasons or not (and I treasure my original printing copy of the TNG Technical Manual too), my take in the Lower Decks tasking is that it falls in the toothbrush-to-clean-grout category of character-building tasks for junior officers.


Given that one of the reasons for migrating here was Reddit’s disregard of an disrespect towards persons with disabilities, perhaps it would be important to offer some (more than one) Star Trek custom theme that meets the needs of people with different accessibility issues.

While I know many Berman-era fans love LCARS, and it was innovative for its time, it’s really not at all accessibility informed.

Not to mention, that options for the board should be welcoming of fans of all eras, not just the 90s.


I’m enjoying the series, and haven’t found it dragging.

I’ve been holding off buying Wool before the season finishes its release, but expect to chew through them quickly once it’s done.

I am though somewhat annoyed with the cliffhanger at the end of every episode. I have to wonder if this is something Apple executives have required, but it’s tiresome.


This American show with Martin Yan is often muddled with Stephen Yan’s show ‘Wok with Yan’ that ran in Canada from the late 70s through the mid 90s.

Both played an important role in sharing authentic Chinese family recipes with North American audiences.

I still have a bound copy of Stephan Yan’s 1978 cookbook ‘Chinese Recipes’ that I refer to occasionally.


There are some communities that feel garlic or regular onions are too strong, and substitute the white of leeks. It does affect the resulting taste, but if your wife tolerates them, it’s an option.

My own suggestions for recipes would include some classic Slavic dishes where onions aren’t essential. These do exist, 😁 particularly ones that mix sweet, sour and savoury flavours. e.g., Crepes/nalasnyky filled with farmers’ cheese and butter or cream, traditionally served with sour cherry or strawberry preserves on top, are a favourite. For a savoury version, try these nalasnyky with dill in the cheese filling.


I took as needling the Vulcan Jag…which he couldn’t resist. The set-up was his uncontrolled outburst in the Enterprise mess.


There is a burn ban in place for the entire municipality as of the end of last week


Saying only 3 are in the top 100, after a significant methodological update but not saying whether or not overall Canadian universities are faring better or worse, seems disingenuous.

From what I can tell from this story, the top 3 Canadian universities moved up within the top 100 (U of Toronto, McGill & UBC moved up, UBC significantly). There is also a cluster just above 100s.

So unless there were a group of Canadian universities that fell out of the rankings, Canadian universities seem to be placing higher.

Anyone else have anything from other coverage?


I didn’t expect to like this episode as much as I did.

Wesley’s Kirk is growing on me, and I give the EPs credit for using the alternate timeline Kirk’s to let his performance coalesce. I also like the deft weaving of the crazy car driving, heartbreaker Kirk with the think five steps ahead genius that he also had to be.

The acknowledgement in-universe that the timeline and humanity’s development has been interfered with is entirely credible given the accretion of temporal incidents across every era of the franchise.

I’m not sure how I feel about it giving comfort to those who feel so strongly that this isn’t the same timeline as the original TOS one. (I see some chortling on this point elsewhere.) Likely the temporal physics of this is best left for a deep dive /c/Daystrom Institute discussion, but I prefer hold to a view that this is absolutely still the same Prime timeline but that the timeline itself has been perturbed repeatedly even if the key events have kept their integrity. In fact, the Romulan temporal agent, while not a reliable narrator, gave credence to the idea that the Prime timeline had proven unexpectedly robust against major intervention by humanity’s enemies.

I was delighted to see DTI show up and be named. It seems all of a piece of DTI’s rigidity that they would leave La’an alone to deal with the trauma. It does however mirror Pike’s own experience in sealing his future with the time crystal. One senses that there must be some kind of intersection or mutual revelation to come, leaving aside the Chekhov’s gun of the temporally dislocated watch.

Knowing that Anson Mount had to relocate to Toronto with his wife and newborn explains why episodes featuring others in the ensemble were front loaded for this season. He’d said before he committed to the show that creative conversations would be needed as he wasn’t wishing to repeat the production experience he had in Discovery season two. A creative conversation with the EPs that limits a principal character’s presence is fairly extraordinary, but Mount seems to have done it in a way that’s generous to the rest of the ensemble.

With an ensemble so strong, and as we didn’t see as much of Chapel or Una as we would have liked last season, I’m fine with waiting to see more Pike later in the season. It sounds as though we have a Spock focused and an Ortegas to come before some big ensemble pieces in the back half.


Never thought that letting an episode run longer in streaming would be viewed as a negative.

I wouldn’t have cut anything.
