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I think it will be no longer than 10 years at this point.

Unless the U.S. finds another way to give itself a shot in the arm and hobble along for another 25 years (which is possible, I guess) - this country is cooked. It is already so much different than even 2 years ago, just in terms of general consciousness, that if this trend continues, it will fall within our lifetime. Like others have said the contradictions are becoming ever stronger, other countries are increasingly powerful and most notably China and the global south are rapidly growing.

The U.S. will not be able to win a war without deploying nuclear weapons and obliterating the entire world along with itself. I wouldn’t put it past them to try if/when it comes to that, but the period of domination where they could fend for themselves is gone. Recruitment rates are in the shitter and again, the general population is extremely unhappy with the way things are going. Class consciousness still has a way to go, but we’re getting there. It’s not like it takes a whole country to complete the initial stages of a revolution, and more and more people are getting radicalized by the minute.

Ultimately, it’s going to take a serious world event that weakens and splits the bourgeois of this country (which is already kind of happening) and the swift action of the masses to take advantage of that when the time comes. It absolutely has to be soon, not only do I believe that it will be, but it has to be, or climate change and the US lashing out will genuinely cause hell.

In our lifetime ain’t just a saying, people. Get out there


Yessss I was waiting for someone to confirm that <3 get fucked empire


I wouldn’t really use the word “agrees” to be honest. It’s a great thing, undoubtedly, but I think they wouldn’t do this if they weren’t de facto forced to because they’re stretched so unimaginably thin. This country truly is on the brink.


Jellyfish highly underrated imo

Not sure if I’m blind but elephant is not there, should be S+ minimum

Otherwise pretty good. Bee should be higher, depending on the type. Hornets are F- but actual pollination homies high up




I can’t lie I wasn’t very active last year so I’m a bit out of the loop, but I do remember some beefy comment threads with you involved. Never with me directly tho.

I’m sure people will welcome you back with open arms. We all make mistakes and get hot-headed


I think this is a solid line of thinking. A terrifying one, but solid.


I know things have been much better under Biden!

checks notes

erm… more deportations than 45… border wall construction… more oil drilling than anyone ever… killed rail strikes… prison population all time high… one tiny COVID relief check… Roe struck down during his term… GENOCIDE FUNDING… Etc. Etc. Etc.

Before you scream “BAHHHH BIDEN CAN’T CONTROL IT ALL” let it be known that he does control the first 4 things and the very last one. He has bypassed congress to give weaponry to Israel and Ukraine, and done many of those things solo. The Democratic party could minimize or end all of the rest. Roe could have been codified like 50 times in the last 30 years and it wasn’t. Now they want to blame the SCOTUS for doing what they’ve wanted to do forever instead of just codifying it. Democrats are funding and creating cop cities. They don’t pass anything genuinely beneficial for more than 0.05% of the population. Even for those people, it isn’t enough most of the time.

They’re really not that different. Sure, they don’t OPENLY say they want to kill trans people. They don’t care if it happens though. These establishment fucks are bought by the exact same people the Republicans are. It’s time you start believing you live in a fascist dictatorship, you’re in one.
