So let’s say you use your credit card to buy drinks at the bar every single night. This data gets to the health insurance company and they might raise your rates. I remember 15+ years ago talking about credit data with people who were involved. This is before facebook was anywhere as big as it is now (to give context). I worked for a company that developed software for POS terminals and no one ever heard of the company I worked for except this girl I met from American express. They wanted so badly to get data from us.
- The companoes are locked into commercial real estate
2 ) Working at home is making the middle manager obsolete. I think google’s ceo said that he didn’t know how to promote managers he cant see. I personally think mamagement is corporate welfare.
did you say… normies?
did you say… normies?
i am not dying. thr cure for aging is in animal trials
are you trying to do something apecial? windows 11 is a very quick and uninvolved install