Yup. But there is zero fucking chance we would let them take this place willy nilly. I will die before I yield any land to these facist thugs. As our countrymen and women fought before us, we will remain the true north strong and free, or we will DIE to defend it. The dreams of this great country of ours will never die
Honestly what infrared the most from that dough boy. He would talk tough and fucking act like he’s got balls, and then once another person get a LITTLE bit more aggressive he whimpers like a like bitch. Goddamn Ford you were right on the cusp of gaining a lot of conservative voters if you continued to hold up your end of the bargain.
The USA needs congressional approval to officially go to war against another sovereign nation. Like with Afghanistan or Iraq. BUT Republicans control the house and Senate, and sure if they’re that fucking delusional they could vote for it. But with that being said, it would 100% rip America apart and they fucking deserve it. Not only would we not put up with that shit and I would gladly shoot any foreign soldier on our land, it would mean the Russians getting exactly what they wanted.
Americans reading this, GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER or you or your friends are going to start fucking dying on our fucking land for no other reason than a fat orange fucks vanity. You will be ostracized by the developed world and I for one will never fucking forgive you.