Trump going to blame deep state chickens for this one?
Ronnie boy so sad no one is putting him the national news anymore. This is the policy equivalent of desperate “look at me” vibes.
Open AI stole all of our data to train their model. If this is true, no sympathy.
We need to get the entrenched old guard democrats out of power. They are controlled opposition just as beholden to the billionaires who pull Trump’s strings. We need new blood.
If you get all the levers of government under your control - you kind of become a king.
His Israel support is likely all bought by AIPAC money. Our system has to get campaign finance reformed so badly. Money in politics has destroyed this country and made every politician have to capitulate to their donors or face primary challengers who can out spend them. A good example is last election when these tech bros straight up crushed Sherrod Brown who was merely skeptical of crypto. It’s the biggest obstacle to change.
Billionaires engineered all of this. The whole stock price over innovation mindset was to extract American wealth and cripple American power. They want no power to exist that can reign in their own power. The battle for equity never ends. The billionaires and their ghouls never stop. Never trust the government to stay honest, we have to keep them honest.
This is going to make our electronics get so expensive. 🤦🏻