Q exists outside of time, so the iteration that visits DS9 could have been prior to the scene in the comic.
Remember when Jellico commanded the Dauntless to fire a torpedo into the Neutral Zone because he didn’t want to upset the Romulans during sensitive negotiations by simply having the ship go in itself?
Jellico might not be a badmiral but he’s certainly a bad-at-his-jobmiral, and he was a crap-at-his-jobtain as well.
Nah this sucks. Riker is the CEO of consensual relationships.
Slapping some IASIP dialogue on a random Trek image doesn’t work if it’s not appropriate to the characters.
“No cops at pride” is not about the prejudices of individual cops, be they fictional future shapeshifters from half a galaxy away, or real police here and now. There are LGBTQ+ cops out there.
The issue is the fact that cops enforce the law regardless of how just the law might be. Odo was the chief of security aboard Terek Nor while it was under Cardassian control, and while in that role rushed three innocent Bajoran workers to execution so he could maintain order aboard the station.
Even once the station became Bajoran owned and Starfleet operated, Odo was still willing to conduct illegal surveillance, lock people in the detention facility on trumped up charges, and impose a strict curfew. Personally I don’t think it would be too much of a stretch to assume that Odo would be willing to lock up people participating in a Pride event for no other reason than that he was told to do so, and they were causing a minor disruption on the Promenade.
Depends on the episode.
When Quark is abducted from Deep Space 9 in “House of Quark” he’s taken clear across the entire Federation and into the Klingon Empire in about a day. And then D’Ghor sends someone to the station to grab Rom and get him back to Qo’noS the next day.
Trek moves at the speed of plot.