Omg I just saw her story at Value Village where L was trying to talk to her and she literally SHUSHED her, kept talking and ignoring L. You could tell she was so annoyed. She’s a vile B. I’m surprised she let the mask slip though. Why not stop the video, acknowledge the child and start the video over if it was that deep?
Half a season, she was a fan because it was TS adjacent. My NFL Fandom spans 4 generations. My grandfather and my father, me and now my son. I’m fortunate enough to be able to afford games. I’m not a Bears fan, but I take my son and dad. I’m a Saints fan, so I have to travel to New Orleans for games. I can’t even fathom the privilege she gets for showing off her half naked body and exploiting her children.
She’s gonna have her little bubble burst when she realizes that her white savior stretch mark bikini warrior shtick doesn’t hold weight in Brazil. Newsflash: women with all body types wear thongs to the beach down there and they didn’t need permission from a suburban nobody to do it. I really hope this trip opens her eyes to what a “third world” country really looks like (resorts in Mexico don’t count) and the IMMENSE privilege she has. I am probably giving her too much credit, though. It’ll turn into “I saw children begging on the street and it really made ME sad” while she cries with her frozen face.
She’s been running for over a year and never made it her personality? No new hydration packs or gym shoe affiliate links? No slinging knix sports bras or workout gear? She wouldn’t miss the opportunity to capitalize financially on that.
Also, doesn’t she thrive on attention from being an inspiration to women? Isn’t that her whole platform? Who exactly exactly is she shielding from toxic patterns? Herself or her followers? Because I could write 6970 paragraphs over why neither of those make any sense. She’s just trying to find her Ozempic weight loss cover.
Also, I love Bonnie and I’m annoyed she’s dragging her into her den of lies.
(Posted this in the old thread but it bears repeating lol) Have fun, girlie! It cracks me up how little awareness she has about the world around her. I would have said no sooo fast and I’m a hardcore NFL fan who loves to travel abroad. Nothing against Brazil, I would love to visit, but if the NFL is giving out these advisories… I’m staying my ass home.
Busted out the size 4 body and everything. That looks so uncomfortable and not practical for summer. It’s an ugly outfit no matter what lol
Someone on here mentioned how she is trying to trade up from Shame and I can totally see it. It cracked me up he didn’t care about her “hot” outfit and only that there were holes in it.
She’s so boring there’s nothing to snark on but I’ll try lol she’s so tone deaf talking about how during the pandemic the WFH outfits were so cute and then She had to put on pants again. WTF. Doesn’t she always work from home?! There’s people that were dying and working endlessly. I stayed home, with no income. My husband was essential (in a non medical way) and his job was not able to be done at home. I hate her.