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of course i skim this one and it’s in the final paragraph.

thank you!


Hey Arnold

My So-Called Life

Captain Planet


I’ve read like eight of these articles about this Moon just trying to find out if we can see it without a telescope.

I’m assuming we can’t see it, but none of the articles I’ve read mention it. it seems crazy that none of them mention its visibility.

Will we be able to see the second moon?


saying “shalom” or “namastey” or “hola” as a non-native speaker was an irritating “hip” thing to do when that movie came out, and that’s a scene where Peter Parker is trying repeatedly to be “hip” and failing spectacularly.


I’m explaining the facts clearly with respect to the topic and responding directly to your comments.

that is not hasbara.

If you are having trouble finding sources for certain fundamental facts, tell me what those facts are.

I will provide you with sources.

If you are trying to discredit the facts by consistently avoiding or misrepresenting my argument without any evidence, it’s not going to work.


keep in mind that the point we are addressing is that despite a hypotheticall withdrawal of all US military aid, in no way is Israel unable to continue their invasion/genocide if the US stops supporting Israel altogether.

“- we are funding about 15% of their total military budget”.[in recent years specifically, including the injection of military aid immediately after October 7th]

If the US was to completely stop funding israel, Israel would have zero problem funding their military and their national infrastructure by themselves.

“80%+ of their weapons over the last 70 years come from the US”

It’s convenient for Israel to buy US weapons, and the US should stop selling them weapons, but if the US completely stopped selling arms to israel tomorrow, it in no way cripples or halts the Israeli military from using their stockpile, purchasing arms elsewhere or producing arms themselves.

“- 50 billion in annual trade between US and israel”

less than 10% of Israeli GDP

we should still sanction them, but it isn’t going to make much of a difference in national civilian life or military function.

“Do you think Iran would be so restrained against Israel if US retaliation wasn’t guaranteed?”

no for so many reasons, but tell me your theory.

“The US moved an aircraft carrier into the region following Oct. 7th, do you find that irrelevant too?”

no, but go off, how are aircraft carriers irrelevant?

“US provides diplomatic cover to Israel by vetoing…”

Setting aside the arrest warrants and findings by the ICC, the US should stop vetoing the symbolic adjudications by the UN so everybody can point at Israel and yell “shame”.

this should happen.

however, if the US stops vetoing the symbolic adjudications, Israel is under no obligation to listen to the UN any more than they have listened to or have been following UN regulations since the UN and israel were established, any more than they listen to the ICC.

it would be nice if the US took stronger economic or political action against Israel, or declared further sanctions.

would any of those actions stop netanyahu, the idf or disrupt national function?

Not in any material way.


“You demand that I provide evidence for things that I didn’t say.”


“That might seem tactically clever, but is it honest?”

I disagree that you making things up and avoiding answering is tactically clever, and it is definitely dishonest.

“I ask for evidence to support things that you did say and you can only repeat your assertions.”

this is also untrue

“Is repetition evidence?”

If you were this confused about basic definitions, I can see why you’re having trouble.

what do you need help with specifically?

which fundamental facts are you having trouble finding sources for?


I don’t think that article is correct.

I’ve never understood subsequent realization to be integral to the dissonance itself, which already exists regardless of one’s awareness of it.

It’s like insisting that you are not depressed unless you “realize” you’re depressed.

unless by “realization” that article simply mean experiencing conflicting emotions, which is the cognitive dissonance itself.

requiring “realization” of a feeling as a prerequisite to that feeling existing doesn’t check out.
