Queer transfem into video games, cartoons, tech, science and just learning cool stuff in general.
They ran out of Batman villains, so I guess its time to go to Superman’s and start killing them all too.
I’m curious to see how they are going to run UFO 50.
Scientist Russian Roulette: Drink the mystery breaker. They all have water, except for one that’s hydroflouric acid.
Any move away from opiods is a great step for medicine. Not just in that they are addictive, but also that they do not work on a sub-set of the population.
Another Crab’s Treasure looks like a cute game about a crab trying to get his stolen shell back but is actually about how capitalism crushes everything in its infinite lust for power and how it cannot be reasoned with, only destroyed.
Writing has never been Borderlands strong suit, and I don’t expect it to get any better. The story will be bad, the dialogue will be bad, the jokes will be bad. They hit gold once with Borderlands 2, and never again. Will the gameplay be good? That’s the real question.
Once again, I hate that I’m cheering for Liz Cheney.