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Yeat [he/him]
7 posts • 53 comments

21 | r/cth veteran | only real leftist on this site | militant vegan

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as someone moderately into fashion, sneaker heads always have the worst fits


i had mono 2 years ago and ever since then my sleep hasn’t been right, no matter how long or how well i sleep i’ll always wake up extremely tired like i did when i had it


i’ve considered that but i didn’t have the antibodies for covid when i checked a little over a year ago and i did test positive for mono and had the enlarged spleen and all of that (i guess covid could maybe cause that though). also it is common to still feel exhausted from mono 6 months after you have it, and while i don’t feel like i do when i have it, it’s definitely altered my sleep going on 2 years now which isn’t heard of though like that article says


tw: fatphobia

this is gonna sound like a bit and it’ll definitely be insensitive so i apologize in advance, i hope this doesn’t get me in trouble on here but i’ve been struggling with sliding into this one reactionary viewpoint due to the harassment i get from practically every single person in my life for being vegan and i just need to rant a little and need advice maybe

but for example, today just out of the blue my two best friends just start going off on me in our groupchat for being vegan (i have covid rn and they’re trying to blame me being vegan for being sick?), mocking me like they never have before and acting like they’re genuinely disappointed in me for being vegan, etc. and one of my friends is obese (and his diet consists of mainly steak, hamburgers, & pizza) and i feel awful for admitting this but it took everything in me to not just rip into him for stuffing his face with animal corpses and having animals be tortured and killed so he can be so gluttonous to the point that he’s the size that he is (i did make fun of him for being religious which is counterproductive but i was mad 🤷‍♂️). i feel like encountering so much anti-veganism from my friends, family, co-workers, etc., for the past year, being interrogated and mocked on a daily basis about my beliefs, constantly seeing anti-vegan discourse from the left, etc., is just making me double down harder on my beliefs to the point it’s turning me into this cynical, hateful person. i don’t even get shit for being marxist from the people that know i am! to the vegans out there, how do you cope? i mean the obvious answer here is to just try to distance myself from the people that’re like that and to try to educate them in civil conversation but i can only do so much of that, and as someone who’s struggled with their weight before years and years ago i feel gross that i looked at someone’s obesity and for a moment viewed it as disgusting because they reached that point by eating animals. idk i just needed to get that off my chest, i’ll probably forget to come look back at this before the thread’s locked lmao


yeah that’s definitely a way better way to frame it, and thank you o7


i’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out what the point is and i THINK it’s that white vegans shouldn’t criticize indigenous people because white people have done worse to these animals? or that indigenous people need buffalo meat? i really don’t know it’s such a dumb post


i took trigonometry in high school but it was during covid so i didn’t learn shit but i’m taking it again in college and it’s blowing my mind how connected math is to everything, specifically music with how the graph of something like y=cos(theta) is a sine wave. and that’s something i can hear! i’ve listened to songs today with sine wave synths in them! and all that shit comes from shapes and triangles!!!


he’s supposed to be dropping a collab album with ty dolla $ign before the end of the year so there’s still time!
