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I would say that what you say makes sense but it doesn’t really work super well in practice. I’ll give the best example. North Korea. We have choked them on food, energy, medicine etc. For going on 70 years now. They are still a cancerous blight on the world. With nukes. Sure I guess the argument could be made that they stay inside north Korea and keep to themselves though.


Afghanistan is not a savable place. Just embargo them and revoke their rights to travel anywhere. And if they step foot outside their borders kill them or bring them to the west if they are a civilian.


This is a very old blood feud. Taiwan’s government is the former government of mainland China (the republic of China) prior to 1949 communist civil war. The ROC ended the qing dynasty, the longest monarchic dynasty in Chinese history and instituted democracy. When the communists took over the republic of chinas leadership were basically fled and the country and established Taiwan. To the CCP Taiwanistill represents the republic of China, and just like north and south Korea, the CCP is still at war with the republic of China (Taiwan).


Doing all those things would cost hundreds of times what it costs to build a reactor. There are reactors already engineered and that exist elsewhere in the world capable of powering entire cities for over a hundred years that are easily decomissionable unlike the older 1970s reactors that we have. Also renewables are unable to produce power on demand when load demands spike suddenly. U need fossil fuel for that currently. Not to mention the process of creating solar panels is one of the most environmentally damaging manufacture processes and the only country that possesses the materials to make them is China… Oil receives metric assloads of government subsidy. Why should nuclear not get the same? Nuclear power is the only thing we know of that has rhw ability to fill all of the functions that fossil fuel power plants have.Idf theres actually other options then cool but iv looked at every alternate energy source and rhw big thing that sticks out is a couple things. If the weather gets too cold, or too hot, theres a natural disaster or other condition that necessitates a very sudden and high increase in kilowatt hour demand renewable energy sources buckle. And then your left having to fire coal to meet the energy need.


Thats literally the premise of 90% of the show. Hes stated that several times. He started the podcast with the intent of it being a bullshit fun project to have his Bros come on smoke weed and talk shit. Which is great entertainment and funny. Now he has said it many times. He wants to talk to anyone his cave man brain finds interesting. He admits hes very uneducated on a lot of matters and tells people that outside the realms of fitness and nutrition you shouldn’t be looking to him for advice or following what he says. The reason his viewership is as large as it is is because he thinks about things very very similarly to how honestly most people up here in that I know in new england think of things. He thinks about shit in the same way the average working class dude does.


The gaming support is what got me to completely switch to Linux for daily driver. Havnt used windows in 3 years thanks to proton. My computing experience has never been better.


This right here. People like you that push that shit at teenage boys. This is why they are turning right. I know a lot of people who flipped parties purely cuz they can’t stand that sort of bullshit. Or that flipped because they are wick and tired of every straight white guy being called a racist. We are all pissed that our parents and grandparents fucked up the system with their apathy and blind trust in institutions that fucked us over.


Florida is a weird place. But DEI is nothing but a huge scam. We have a DEI department where I work and a PHD that they keep on payroll to run these ridiculous trainings. The DEI trainings make a large number Having sat the African american and Latino folks uncomfortable at work and have had to deal with many of them coming to me about it privately in supervisions. Equity is a philosophy that in my personal opinion is not the way the world should work. And this opinion is shared by many. If you want equity go to north Korea.


Honestly thats all Lemmy needs. Just more content body. This software is already a really amazing drop in replacement for reddit. To be honest its easier to navigate the federation aspect with Lemmy than it is for other federated services like mastodon in my opinion.


Comparing Brendan eichtoo Hitler doesn’t seem logically coherent but let’s just use your fringe example. We do actually continue to use shit invented by Hitler all over the world to this day. Volkswagen to give an example. Lemmy is made by tankies. So… The answer is that so long as the thing is sufficiently useful. Yes.
