It’s a coup. They are currently rewriting the rules of how things are done.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s terrible that they were granted access to very sensitive information (government contracts, employee data, probably tax returns last I heard) with no oversight. That’s gone, no way back.
But make no mistake, this is not a heist. It’s a coup. They are seizing control of meta-infrastructures of the government: payroll, contracts, payments, communications, software. This is how you hold a country hostage.
Wie immer gilt das genaue Gegenteil von dem was dieser peinliche Mensch von sich gibt: Vier Prozent für die FDP wäre das allerbeste Ergebnis
I watched the first season and a few episodes more, and I didn’t like it. I kept waiting for the show to become worthy of its praise, but I really should have stopped sooner.
The on-the-nose writing did not work for me at all, and I didn’t find it funny where it was trying to be.
The show uses a made-up soccer club as a backdrop, but it felt very arbitrary; it may as well have been set in any other sport or industry. Others may like this about the show, but it just felt careless to me.