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It seems these pagers were actively used by Hezbollah though. It was a targeted attack where, for once, Israel’s target was not the murder of a civilian population.

Whether it was well executed is a completely different question. Did they successfully strike their targets, rather than bystanders or people who happened to get the wrong pager? Were there civilian casualties (as it seems there was), and were those worse than in what we would expect from other types of military operations targeting terrorist organizations? The answers are not simple yes/no, but gradients. Which is different from their ongoing genocide in Gaza, where the cruelty is the entire point.

Saying an attack isn’t targeting civilians is a long way from saying it is legitimate. But coming from a regime that has been actively targeting civilians for months claiming that there is simply no other way of doing things, I guess this is at least evidence that they are aware of alternatives.

Hezbollah is attacking Israel from the north, and it would be naïve to expect Israel not to strike back. This attack appears to have lead to fewer meaningless civilian deaths than what we have come to expect coming fram Israel. That is all.


I thought it was pretty clearly implied in my post that I’m merely saying this operation is an improvement over bombing the shit out of refugee camps after declaring it safe zones, which is a low fucking bar.

I guess I was wrong.


What the fuck is this article?

How can it go on about this without ever saying what the “Jewish Community of Chile” actually is?

"It is absolutely unacceptable that the President of the Republic addresses this delicate issue through informal posts,” it said

It? The Jewish Community of Chile said that? Did every Jew in Chile say it out loud in perfect symphony? Did they communicate it using their famous telepathy, or draw it on the sky using their space laser? Are all Chilean Jews part of some organization, which in turn elects a spokesperson, that then speaks for “the Community”? Is it a synagogue somewhere in Chile that has a leader that claims to speak for everyone?

Going to Wikipedia for answers, there’s a brief summary:

The Jewish Community of Chile […] is an organization of Jews in Chile. The Jewish Community of Chile is a non-profit organisation. As of 2022 Gerardo Gorodischer is its president.

So it’s an organization, with presumably some members, and a president who is probably the one speaking as “it”. But how many members do they have? How many Jews live in Chile? How is the president of this organisation elected, and does he have legitimacy to speak for all of them?

Their website does not offer me any answers, as it just reports “Sorry, you have been blocked”. Apparently my public university internet connection is not appreciated.

It seems to me to be some random tiny organization that cleverly named themselves the “Jewish Community of Chile”, and can now successfully trick people into thinking they speak for everyone. But I might be wrong of course; the information doesn’t seem to be available anywhere. The journalism almost seems to be intentionally sloppy.


At least this time around they were not targeting civilians, proving that it is possible, even for the Netanyahu regime. I don’t have enough information to judge it yet (fuck Hezbollah, fuck Netanyahu), but there’s at least little doubt it’s better than what we’ve come to expect from Israel.

Now, time for my unsponsored content of the day: As amazing and hospitable as the Lebanese people are, their state is weak as fuck, their political system is a mess, and their economy is down the drain. There seems to always be several crises going on all at once in recent years. In this situation, non-governmental organizations tend to be the ones stepping up and filling the gap left behind by the state. If you are into giving money to charity, the Lebanese Red Cross would therefore be a good cause to consider. :)


The last thing we need is this piece of shit to become a martyr. Let him go down beaten by a black woman at the polls, like the loser he is.

At this point Trump being shot is the best thing that could happen to the Republican party. And I wish them only the worst.


Amazing - I read skimmed through the Wikipedia site for Swatting and tried to search online for it happening other places, but I couldn’t watch a video while commenting so I didnt watch the source.

Fantastic case in point.

Still I struggle to understand how it’s possible.


How the fuck can Swatting be such a common thing in America. I have never heard about it in any other country.

(This is, of course, a rhetorical question. I know the answer is that American police is beyond incompetent.)

Edit: Oops, read comments below


Not all all of Israel loves Hamas, obviously. There are huge protests against the genocide in Israel by people who very much see things clearly.

Netanyahu and his fascist crooks love Hamas.


A lot of people use Mastodon as an RSS feed where they can leave comments. This would basically allow you to subscribe to the content of a writer, and get it full-form straight in your feed.

I could also imagine following artists on Pixelfed, throwing money in their tip jar to keep posted on their newest creations.

I think there’s a lot of potential here. But monetisation is always tricky on the internet, of course.
