I read the article diagonally but didn’t struck me as particularly insightful. I can understand the “too many cooks” thing as it can be daunting to start the journey in the fediverse, but the child abuse part is dumb at best: if a given instance does illegal shit it should be dealt with by the authorities and de-federated by other instances. Do the authors know that harmful material exists on all the mainstream social medias? Like beheadings on instagram, porn on youtube, mass disinformation and manipulation on TT and facebook.
This is the type of shit I came to lemmy for :)))
Shouldn’t this be kept secret until after whatever outcome?
Please tax and regulate the fuck about US big tech.
I’m obviously biased but my observations are:
- any remotely sane person know the election canceling and the further banning of the Russian asset (he was a former high echelon communist/member of the Securitate and there were rumors he was hijacked by the KGB in the 80s) was the right call. Would’ve been better had he been not let in the race in the first place, but our government/secret services were circle jerking each other.
- for the next presidential election in May we have a better than ever (at least theoretically) choice, in the pro-european candidate Nicusor Dan, which on polymarket has the highest score right now.
- there are a myriad of pro-russians candidates: Sosoaca (which just got banned again apparently), Simion, Gavrila, Pisarloglu, Ponta. From these Ponta and Simion are known figures and I doubt they can gain much more than the last time (Ponta didn’t participate, and Simion got 4th place). The joker seems to be Pisarloglu which already started a massive TT campaign of disinformation, fearmongering and other things Georgescu also did.
- the people supporting Georgescu were pissed, but no massive protests took place
Overall I am hopeful we can get over this bad dream, elect a pro-european, and get on the bandwagon of ReArm Europe and also to get rid of the leeches from PSD (the main party and the most corrupt one). Sad part is that society is more polarized than ever, and most of the Georgescu’s voters are like MAGA: braindead cultists that you can’t reason with.
Well because US is exactly shaped for the employee to be a modern slave: no social security net in case you are jobless so you have to get rolled over by the boss. Breaking point for most isn’t the morality of the company but when they are endangered or can’t provide for their families…