Ketata Mohamed
Windows user since 1994 (2 YO)
Linux user since 2008
recently “betrayed” by m$
2020 or 2021 switched to Linux but dual booted with winlol for compatibility
gamer, but not competitive
on 2021 succeeded to run everything on Linux
deleted winlol and use only Linux since
I have no significant other nor special someone besides my parents
@specterspectre @michael_palmer also Samsung Galaxy A70, however, it is critical that I don’t leave it unusable since it’s essential for my work
@specterspectre @michael_palmer can you find an official custom ROM of LineageOS for Nokia X or Alcatel Pixi 4 (4")?
@cm0002 eh, does that mean I can’t anymore tweak my Lumia? Fuck (yes I still have a Lumia, even many years after their death, it is still my best phone, android can’t compete, an android, and I mean all of them, lags like hell on 2Gb RAM, the Lumia runs super smoothly with 1 Gb RAM)
@sockman @prettydarknwild winlol? 🤔 it’s a penguin 🤨
@AndrewZabar in 2024, you just yay -S nvidia-inst && nvidia-inst & everything works so they are no longer a problem
@bleistift2 @addie Wayland will be the only display server, it’s impossible to deny it, for example KDE defaults to Wayland & Gnome is 100% detached from X11, the deletion of X11 is coming in the future
plus, X11 is full of spaghetti code and no one, and I mean no one, supports it anymore, Wayland came to correct that, plus if you have a laptop with a hybrid GPU, you must switch manually between for example Nvidia & Intel, on Wayland everything is done automatically, etc
@AndrewZabar using EndeavourOS, for example, searching how to install the Nvidia drivers, you can find old results such as installing nvidia-dkms… yay -S nvidia-dkms, that could have been useful 3 years ago but now it breaks the display, you should instead yay -S nvidia-inst && nvidia-inst & everything will work perfectly
@AndrewZabar @woelkchen really ? I discard them immediately as they seem super old
@naonintendois @craigcorbin catching up? From what I heard, Linux surpassed winlol in gaming for certain titles, but yes, if you take the average, there’s still a gap, and it’s becoming smaller and smaller