because the name XQWKPk6r was taken
Jesus, they use Zypper instead of as opposed to APT, now this. Do they have some kind of a traditional ritual of getting high before naming these things?
Apparently, the name was just the obvious technical name, since they started this during a hackathon where they didn’t want to spend time on naming. And supposedly, they’re also still looking for name suggestions, but yeah, I do find it slightly weird to publicly announce the name, if they are still planning to change it…
Meh… I find it refreshing that they set aside formality. It’s part of what makes the Linux world a little different in a good way. Unlike the big corporate world with lots of Capital letters and ™ legal © symbols everywhere.
Honestly, I do, too, but found it difficult to articulate. We expect them to come up with a good branding, because it’s a corporation. If this were a random person just throwing something out there as open-source, we’d welcome them no matter how odd the name might be. Heck, I might even appreciate that they’ve chosen a clearly non-marketable name, because it clearly shows that they have no interest in making money off of it.
Well yeah but my point was really just that it’s a goofy name. Not instead of, more like as opposed to.
P.S. interesting factoid that I didn’t know. Thanks. But with regard to your caveat: did you mean that apt-get predates zypper? Because that’s sufficient.
But with regard to your caveat: did you mean that apt-get predates zypper?
No, apt-get is the oldest. It was one utility out of a set of utilities. I always found it super dumb that you hat to use a completely different tool to search for a package (apt-cache, I think).
The all in one apt command was introduced by Debian 8 in 2015.
Absolutely awful name
It’s temporary
Did they intentionally choose a name that’s difficult to type? Assuming the command is yqpkg
I’d want to murder whoever picked the name while trying to use it.
I’m sure there’s a relevant XKCD, but I’m too lazy to link it.
Another package manager? Really? Why?
How many packaging tools does OpenSUSE have, now? 6?
And can you update Tumbleweed in a GUI with this?