🏳️🌈 hi there, i’m blake! i’m a silly gay bear 🌀
do you think for a moment that i am reading more than 15% of your messages? you are so fucking beneath my intellect i don’t even need to try. you defended your fanboyism of noted misogynist thunderf00t by trying to debate me about feminism. it is honestly the most pathetic shit i’ve ever seen. fuck off back to reddit.
telling people to do their own research isn’t citing academic research lmfao
you are a total fucking joke, you have SO much to learn and you’re trying to lecture someone so far out of your league.
such a peak reddit moment. can’t imagine for a second that you might not be the smartest guy in the room.
jesus fucking CHRIST you have some baggage here, huh?
putting anita and elon into the same category is literally one of the most delusional takes i have ever heard. you do realize that one of those people is one of the wealthiest living people in the world, a nazi, who bought a social media platform because he was so desperate for approval he decided to buy it…
and you’re comparing that to some fucking totally random popular feminist who made literally a baby’s first feminist analysis video series???
anita wasn’t trying to solve every feminist issue in the world, you realize? she wanted to make the videos she wanted to make.
anita’s videos didn’t bully or harass anyone, they didn’t go on and on about how men demand respect because of their genitals, they didn’t personally target anyone. they did a very introductory analysis into feminist theory for media criticism.
thunderf00t’s average video is significantly worse than the worst thing anita ever did.
also, why the fuck would i lie about being from europe… you’re just wrong and you want to jump to conclusions…
i’m european, i used to be a fan of thunderf00t too. but he became really really bad, he was an alt-right troll for awhile, and only really split from the rest of the pack because they didn’t agree with him about brexit.
he is a pathetic, ignorant, quote-mining bigot who should be completely forgotten. being right about elon musk is a stopped clock being right twice a day situation. there are plenty of other channels which did a far better job of pointing out elon’s grifts without also posting 3,000 videos about how anita sarkeezian is the anti-christ