I totally agree. If she really wanted the experience of living separately they could have converted the basement apartment for her. Taking public transit at ungodly hours is part of going to university, and would have been doable. It really showcases how much they don’t have to worry about money, otherwise M probably would have chosen one of her multiple living options to avoid accumulating even more debt. I absolutely would have if I had gone to school in the same city as my parents instead of having to pay off all my student loans until I was almost 40. There are a lot of kids who have to delay going to school this year because they can’t afford the living accommodations on top of school tuition.
Edit to add: I was paying back that many years for a degree that I didn’t even finish. Talk about wasted money.
She doesn’t. They aren’t real. I noticed yesterday that she has way more followers than Cyndi Lauper which seems like a weird comparison but she popped up in my feed. When you see her outranking people who are actually famous it is a good indicator she buys tons of bots. This women literally puts out nothing helpful, and has no skills, talent, or personality. She just talks about herself, doesn’t seem very smart, and writes bad captions she thinks are deep and artsy. I’d even have a modicum of respect for her if she made a goal to read a book a month and discuss it. It would be something. Instead, she watches movies, gives a generic review and ranks with bells, then goes out to buy every secondhand find that she can get her greedy hands on and gloats.
Edit to add: There isn’t anything even endearing about her. I could potentially see people liking her if she was thoughtful, witty/funny, or charming but there’s nothing. I don’t even think she knows who she is herself because she is always taking on the next personality. It is uncomfortable to watch.
Is there even an upper middle class anymore? 😂 it feels like middle class has been disappearing entirely. And the exchange rate isn’t our friend so this seems truly unrealistic for all but a very small number of people. It’s probably an ad for outfitting M’s dorm room to showcase back to school shopping anyway.
Not to be pessimistic but I don’t think this is going to go down the way we want it too. Their primary focus is abolishing fake reviews. And while she has a US audience it won’t impact her quite the same as if she lived in the US. If anything it will be a slap on the wrist and she’ll go on her merry way still buying followers.