Tattle also has a papaya thread although it’s quite dead since it is a predominantly UK site.
It’s so bizarre too because her naturally square face is so much more attractive, and she looks much healthier with her non filtered fuller body. I find the thinning filters make her look a bit sickly because she’s going overboard with them now and it’s looking completely disproportionate.
It was definitely the mass reporting. The original Toronto Snark page got banned for a massive amount of Copyright reports. I think they (they being the group of 4 that is the main focus) all banded together to mass report and then the page was gone. If there was a huge influx of harassment reports on the papaya page they probably just decided to ban it, not investigation or warnings. It’s like the Reddit loophole you can use to get rid of pages that you don’t like.
Edit to add: It is weird though because brigading of any kind is against Reddit’s terms and they were definitely brigading.
I firmly believe if she actually had an ass like that first image she wouldn’t filter herself to a size four. She would embrace the shit out of that curvy body because she could market an ass like that.
Whoever posted on the blogsnark subreddit asking if it was okay to talk about TBP on there now, if you are here to read this I would recommend not to go over there. All of the people that are on the blogsnarkmetasnark page (some of whom responded to the post) will come over to rip you a new one, then go back to their subreddit to talk about how horrible of a human you are. Just a warning. It’s way more drama than what it is worth.
Lol yes. You can usually tell by comments like this the people who belong to the blogsnarkmetasnark sub. They all very much respond to posts in similar ways usually criticizing the poster, downvote them, and then go back to their sub to discuss the stupidity of the people who posted or commented. Once you start to notice it, it becomes obvious who they are. They were also laughing about TBP sub being shut down on their sub. No wonder people barely post in blogsnark anymore.
I absolutely agree. My husband lost his job last April (a year ago) and we dropped to one income with no warning. This year has been such a struggle with increasing costs and I am self-employed and just got nailed for my taxes. It’s so high even the CRA agent I spoke with on the phone for another manner apologized, and once I get this paid off it will be time to start it all over again. There really is no chance to get ahead anymore unless you are wealthy.
Lol. She used the SI thing as a cover to boost her numbers. She will say it was all her new fans who followed after seeing the video of her life-changing walk. She is such an inspiration 🙄 totally laughable, and so predictable.
I would say that yes she did gain some followers because of the SI but the largest gains should have been in the first couple of days when it first happened, and then slowly decreased. Hers started small then exploded today with almost 25K. There is no way that 25K people followed her in one day this many days past the super special walk. Her stuff is pushed down the SI page and less and less people are seeing it.
Edit: Especially since she is in the red consistently.