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I used to do one from Freelitics that was really for a biginner/mid level.

For Time/5 rounds

20 Air Squats 10 Push-ups 20 Sit-ups 20 Superman/arches 40 Jumping Jacks

It was great because I could do it in 30 minutes, almost no warm-up, it activates the whole core, and can be easily modified to different levels. You can very quickly change the difficulty level of each exercise individually or increase reps. You can also try to improve your time. Finally, you can add weight with cheap dumbbells to every exercise.

I would usually change the supermans/arches for hip raises to engage glutes an hamstrings.

I would do it twice or thrice a week as a complement to some Natural Movements warm out, to get a full 1hr exercise. It was really easy to track progress too.


Reddit was a washed down 4chan. For those who came from a forum life in the 00’s and knew 4chan too, Reddit made sense.

That kind of content will keep happening and popping, and there will be a lot of people supporting it. Because we’ll always have teenagers eager to see fringe stuff, and social misfits that want to be seen/heard.

I think that we need to understand that Lemmy and the Fediverse can hold such things, but they aren’t at fault for that. Reddit was faulty as a corporation, but not as a platform. And because Lemmy, the Fediverse and ActivityPub are techs free to anyone, they aren’t liable for this, but the owners of the instances of these techs are.

We have already seen how this plays out, thankfully. We’ve seen a lot of instances defederating exploding-heads.com, and this is good. The same with many people saying to defederate from Meta’s new social network.

I think we need to understand that, profoundly, human beings are very heterogeneous. We’ll always have nice and bad people. And that communities reflect that. Having everything in one instance (Reddit) is not a very good solution. Having them in different instances and each one with their own ethos, makes more sense as a society. Especially because we behave like that. I usually don’t mingle with douchdbags.


I used to do it that way, but the Nextcloud instance was very fragile and cumbersome to maintain. In the end I switched to Dropbox. Must admit it’s not my proudest move, but there’s a point where I can work so much in something.


In general, password managers are a must-have in today’s world. The question is not if you should have one, but which one and why.

As a Software Engineer very conscious about security and privacy, but also with a high practicality sense, I’d say you should opt for whatever you feel more comfortable.

If you don’t want to manage anything, then 1password, BitWarden, LastPass or any of those might be right for you. If you are more of the kind to tinker with everything, then you can have your own OwnCloud/NextCloud and use KeePassXC.

I particularly used the later setup, but NextCloud was too much to handle for me, and settled with KeePassXC + Dropbox.

You do you, but use a password manager.


Let’s agree to disagree. It’s true that these companies are vulnerable and lovely honeypots for hackers. And because they know that, they’ll try to harden as much as possible. Besides, not everyone is willing to create passwords out of algorithms seeded with mnemonics. Most of the people will reuse the same password over and over in different places. And that’s the worst situation, because most of those sites are hundreds of times more hackable than commercial password managers.

Are there better options than commercial password managers? Yes, of course. How many are willing to use them? Maybe less than 30% of the population. And that’s bad, because it makes the internet less safe for everyone.

And by the way, the method you use is one of the earliest ways to create passwords and is hackable by brute force in seconds. If I have two or more passwords, or two or more seeds, the algorithm is done unless you have some random generator in it.


Oh! I love it! I want to do something similar in my living room. What’s the size of your countertop?


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


That actually went full circle, 12 Monkeys style.


So, as many have said, there are short term and longer term things to try. Short term:

  • Use chalk/magnesium to improve the grip
  • Use grips instead of gloves, like these ones
  • Mixed grip

Longer term:

  • Improve grip strength

Improving the grip will improve your game overall, so it’s highly recommended. Some exercises for that could be doing Farmers Carry, Pull-ups hold, and so on.


A warning on mixed grip, is that although it helps to lift more weight, it will worsen your technique. So you have to improve that technique as well. I only use it for the heaviest loads. I don’t go to mixed grip until 85 or even 90% my 1RM. Before that, the standard one, so I can improve my grip too.
