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Perhaps you are thinking of MobaXTerm?

X11 forwarding is as secure as your SSH connection as everything is handled over that as long as you trust the system you connect to as it can send some X11 commands to the client. VNC by itself is insecure but XPipe tunnels all VNC connections via SSH as well, so it is secured as well. With RDP, I would argue that there are less sophisticated authentication options available for RDP than for SSH.

I think moonlight and sunshine are intended for gaming while this more intended for server administration tasks.


Maybe I have to improve the wording on that, you are right.

The idea is based on the established model of other applications, where you buy a license for a certain version. If a new major version releases in that case, you will probably not access to that with your old license. Even if you are perfectly happy with the version you bought, the issue of that model is that you will also miss out on important bug fixes , security patches, and normally free enhancements as older versions are no longer supported.

XPipe tries to find a compromise here. There is the same build for everyone, which is receiving continuous updates and support. The are no hard version barriers, it’s a continuous development. The licensing system paywall is therefore very artificial in that the build contains all features but it will not allow for usage of professional-only features released after more than one year after your license date. You can keep using all professional features that were included before forever. The important part is that you will still receive updates as anyone else, you just can’t use new professional-only features that are included in them if more than one year has passed. But you will receive bug fixes and security updates even if you own an ancient license.


It’s not really related at all.

It is basically a graphical wrapper around your CLI tools like ssh, docker, kubectl, and more that gives you the features you know from tools like graphical SFTP clients but supports much more types of connections and allows you to use your favourite terminal and editor for your remote connections.


It is a frontend for standard CLI tools yes, but it comes with many additional features. The focus is especially on integrating standard CLI tools with your desktop environment and other applications that you use like editors or terminals.

For example, of course you can just use the ssh CLI to connect to your server and edit files. But with XPipe you can do the same thing but more comfortably. You can source passwords from your local password manager CLI, automatically launch terminals with the SSH session, edit remote files with your locally installed text editor, and more.

Of course you can do this also with tools like putty, but the difference here is the integration. Other tools ship their own SSH client with its own capabilities, features, and limitations. They also have their own terminal. XPipe preserves full compatibility with your local SSH client and terminal. E.g. all your configuration options are properly applied, your configs are automatically sourced, any advanced authentication features like gpg keys, smartcards, etc. work out of the box.

The same approach is also used for the integrations for docker, podman, LXD, and more, so you can use it for a large variety of use cases.


Sadly this is not possible due to the flatpatk sandbox, at least without having to rewrite basically the entire application. You can’t open other applications or shells from the sandbox, so nothing would work.

Someone told me that it is possible in theory to reduce the level isolation of the sandbox via flatseal, but that would require the user to perform additional operations to make it even work. If it is not going to work out of the box, a flatpak version would not make a lot of sense.


Sadly this is not possible due to the flatpatk sandbox, at least without having to rewrite basically the entire application. You can’t open other applications or shells from the sandbox, so nothing would work. Someone told me that it is possible in theory to reduce the level isolation of the sandbox via flatseal, but that would require the user to perform additional operations to make it even work. If it is not going to work out of the box, a flatpak version would not make a lot of sense.

There is an optional automatic update check included that will notify you when a new version is available. You can also automatically install the new version through that, but that is up to you.

For NX, I assume you’re talking about this: https://www.nomachine.com/. I would have to look into that, it depends on how open the protocol and platform is. Without looking too much into it, I would assume it has some basic open component but since there is a company involved, there’s probably some proprietary vendor lock in. It’s probably the same as with VNC where there is an open protocol spec, but RealVNC also develops their own closed spec to lock out any third party clients from interacting with their tools.


Overall, XPipe makes it much less tedious to connect and access remote systems wherever they are located, especially if you have to go through multiple intermediate systems in between. Once you added a system to XPipe, you can just connect to it with your favorite terminal in one click just as you would do manually and also browse the file system. Having a graphical overview over all available remote connections and their file systems can make your life easier, especially if you work with many different remote systems, containers, clusters, and more.

If you just regularly connect to two simple servers via SSH, then you probably won’t get that much use out of this. But if you have many servers, gateway servers, containers, and other subsystems running, then it will make your life easier.


You get a fancy overview over all your remote connections and don’t have to type anything to establish shell connections in your terminal, you get launched into the session with one click, so it gives you an overview over your server infrastructure and saves you some typing effort.

Also you can access the file system of any connected remote system via a graphical user interface, but I guess that is personal preference whether you would like to use something like this or not.


What do you refer to here? The UI or something else? I haven’t heard the word gooey being used to describe an application before, but I’m also not a native speaker.


There are certainly some similarities, i.e. you use both to connect and work on your remote systems. However, the main difference is that XPipe does not come with integrated connection capabilities or an integrated terminal. Everything is delegated to your tools, i.e. XPipe for example connects via your installed ssh command-client and launches the terminal emulator you choose, nothing is included in the application itself.

On a more fundamental level, XPipe is not aware of any protocols like SSH, SFTP, FTP, and more. Instead, XPipe creates a new process using for example your local ssh executable, which is usually the OpenSSH client. I.e. it launches the process ssh user@host in the background and communicates with the opened remote shell through the stdout, stderr, stdin of the process. From there, it detects what kind of server and environment, e.g. shell type, os, etc. you have logged into with that shell connection, and adjusts how it talks to the remote system from there

As a result of this approach, you can do stuff with XPipe that you can’t do with other tools like MobaXterm. One example would be connecting and accessing files on a docker container as there’s no real protocol to formally connect here by default. XPipe can simply execute docker exec -i sh to open a shell into the container and handle the file management through this opened shell by sending commands like ls, touch, and more.

More broadly, XPipe can work on any shell connection, regardless of how it is established. From its perspective, there’s no visible difference between a remote ssh connection, a shell in a docker container, or your local system shell.

Furthermore, MobaXterm is Windows only while XPipe is cross-platform.
