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I’ve been plowing through Three Body Problem series by Cixin Liu recently and it’s been really great. I’m on the home stretch of the last book and so excited to finish it.

All about space exploration, first contact, invasion, advancement and philosophy. A really great thinking book and leaves me with lots of uncomfortable feelings to ponder over. The pacing of the book took a little bit to get used to but it does well to help grapple with the time and space scale it is working with.


Same as any other game really.

With Pirate Borg there is a really great “sandbox” style thing included with the book that lets players freely explore and roam a large area with lots of dungeons, caves, encounters etc. We had a bigger offshoot story arc that we were following from some previous games in other systems and tied in to a story arc on the island that interested the players.

With Mork Borg I was trying to do a rapid fire series of lunchtime games over a long campaigns where players were being called upon to do things by this unseen force.

It was actually a thing that came up during character creation where we gave the group a common background element. The element we rolled was that all the players hear the incessant sounds of the insects and worms that tells them to go places and do things. This is enough to pretty much take any one shots and tie them together as part of something bigger. What that bigger thing is? Who knows. We will figure it out and I enjoy letting the players find meaning in stuff like that to make it powerful.


Cyborg and all the Mork Borg games are so great. I want to play and run them more too. I did a few months long Pirate Borg campaign and it was such a blast. I really want to give Vast Grimm a go too.

These games are just so fast, fun, random and wild. Such rich tools for great storytelling. Love, love, love them.


That is what this particular type of furnace is called in glassblowing. A glory hole is a specific furnace for reheating glass that has been gathered to keep it at the right temperature.


I needed to learn Go quickly for a small little side project and I was able to run through the fundamentals Go track in about a week and a half doing a few exercises here and there.

I’ve been exposed to quite a few programming languages so a lot of the common principles are there for me. What I really needed was to learn how Go is different and what the unique things about it are.

For example, I didn’t need to learn about why loops are important. What I did like learning is how a for loop in Go was structured and how to use it in different contexts. Utilizing range was a great thing I picked up from their examples.

Exercise is a great hands-on tool to supplement and support learning.


Gorillaz - Stylo is pretty awesome. One of my favorite music videos ever.

Caravan Palace - Lone Digger is really awesome as well. Great song and well animated.


I have at least 4 companies on my banned list, but the ones that come up most often are…

  • Starbucks - I like good coffee. They just can’t seem to deliver and just focus on mass appeal to overly sweet milk drinks. No thanks. Good coffee doesn’t deserve that.
  • Blizzard/Activision - They need to clean house. Horrible treatment of people inside. The games they produce aren’t good even that good. I refuse to play their stuff as popular as it might be.
  • Disney - I don’t think they produce anything really valuable. Their marketing is amazing but I don’t like what they have given us. I honestly want nothing to do with Marvel or Star Wars and dislike the direction they have gone with those franchises.
  • Wizards of the Coast - all their game products are clearly cash grabs. Building in expiration so customers have to buy more is awful. I do not play Magic the Gathering and never will. I have also grown to dislike Dungeons and Dragons. It’s not even that great and there are so many better, more interesting games to play.

That’s just a few of my old man rants.


No, that’s a necklace job

He’s talking about connecting to work on the Internet over the air without any cables at all


It’s taken a while to find “my people.” I try to surround myself with good people both ocially and professionally. And the kind of people I like to be around tend to be good discussion partners and usually make great collaborators and storytellers. I hope you can find your people someday too! Keep looking, they are out there.


You made no bad faith argument here. Your response for further discussion was a great prompt and right in line with this thread but clearly they don’t want to engage.

I really dislike this trend of responding to comments with the red badge of “bad faith argument”. It is awfully dismissive, particularly without saying why, like in this case here. Best case, they may expect that you know exactly why you are being accused of that and want to shut down bad faith arguing, but if you have no idea why, it’s really just meant to insult or harm. Ironically, accusing someone of a bad faith argument without explaining why may be considered bad faith arguing.

Sorry you got a response like that. I thought your response was good, thoughtful and good attempt at more discussion. I agree and don’t have much to add, unfortunately, but just wanted to support your post.
