I’m 36, I live in the UK, and I’ve driven a manual car since I was 17. I’ve only driven an automatic twice in my life and I’ll probably never own one.
I have the words “software engineer” in my job title but I hate it.
We aren’t engineers, we’re a bunch of undisciplined hackers, engineers have standards and ethics.
Programmer is my preferred term, or software developer.
Code monkey is also acceptable.
Guitar Hero was a bastard for this back in the day, every time I shut my eyes I’d see the notes coming for me.
I’d use a better compression method and kick the can down the road to the next sucker to take the job.
I doubt it, but when does anything live up to the hype?
I reckon it’ll be a decent game, but the multiplayer will likely be worse than GTA 5 as they try more things to get our money and fewer things to entertain us.
Probably some version of DOS, I can’t remember. First Linux distro was Fedora Core 4.