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Thank you. This is beautiful :-)


I don’t like them. I think they are trying to be Apple and I hate that because it means higher prices, fewer features. No headphone jack, no SD card slot, no dual SIM, high prices.

That’s not meant to be the Android way. Android is all about choice and options. That’s what I love about Sony, and why I have a Sony Xperia 10iii - they give you more: award winning design, sleek form factor, fantastic cameras, headphone jack, SD card slot, dual SIM, waterproofing, easily removable SIM tray, notification LED, battery care, long battery life, great OLED screen, NFC, HiRes audio on wired and wireless, MP3 upscale to improve music quality on MP3 tracks, great video recording (up to 4K on mine), support app built in, fast stock launcher will little bloat. I’m even a fan of the dedication Google Assistant button and use it all the time.

And the price was great because I got it on sale for just €350.

That’s how Android should be: options, choice, value for money

Edit: I forgot to mention that Sony allows unlocking the bootloader if you want to install other ROM’s like Sailfish, Lineage etc


You won’t be forgiven no matter what. If you carry on sinning, there is no more forgiveness. The only thing you can expect is to be thrown into outer darkness forever where you will be mourning and regretting your decision.

Put it this way: you drove drunk and killed someone. You’ve been given the death penalty by the judge. But a person called Jesus steps in and says “I’ll take his place. Let him go free”.

Would you ever drink drive again after someone died in your place to give you a second chance? Surely not! You would be sober, very grateful and even yet to help other people not make the same mistake.

It’s the same with sin. Jesus paid a HEAVY price to redeem you. Don’t spit in his face by carrying on with the same sins. Instead be grateful and find out how you should live instead.

Read the 10 commandments in Exodus 20. And also read the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) to see how Jesus further explains and practices these.

The goal is to become holy like Jesus

Hope that helps.


It’s in the Snap Store as a release candidate. But sure if it will let you install it but Canonical seems to have it and be in the verification stage before releasing to stable.


I use Ubuntu and I don’t have an issue with them. However if you really want to move away from that, and you’re perfectly free and entitled to do so, I would have thought Debian would be the best bet. It’s 100% community based and stable and since you’re used to working with debs and apt, you’ll feel right at home.

However you’ll have to be content with having an older desktop, because it didn’t change often. Unless you run Debian testing in which case you might well run into issues every now and then.

I don’t recommend Manjaro as it is highly unreliable.

You could also look at Arch, vanilla arch, but you’ll have to build and maintain it, and it can break, and you may not want to invest that amount of time.

As others have said there is Mint, PopOS, Zorin, KDE Neon - which are all based on Ubuntu, so you’re still using Ubuntu, which doesn’t solve your problem.

There are Debian based distros like Peppermint, MX Linux, Antix (I think) and possibly others. They take all the work out of having to build Debian from scratch but you are limited to the XFCE desktop, which I personally hate.

In short, there are options but they all have cons as well as pros. Only you can decide what cons your willing to live with.


I’m using the “Connect” app on Android


I use Linux at home but as an IT technician have experience with Nvidia in the Windows world. And it was pretty terrible there too.

You have to create an Nvidia account just to get the latest driver (🤦‍♀️) and despite its supposed prowess Photoshop struggled. Solidworks (CAD Software) also had issues with Nvidia and would only work with specific driver versions.

Overall a real pain.

I would only recommend AMD especially on Linux as they say least provide open source drivers. Plus their CPU’s are actually very good. I’ve seen some ancient pcs running Windows 10 on AMD CPU’s.


He’s not wrong. It is GNU Linux but we all just say Linux for short. I think he’s point is that all the work he and his team did was not minor and it’s still used today. Your can understand why he would want some recognition. Wouldn’t you want that if years of your work made such a meaningful contribution? And it’s not like he’s making money off if it either. So let’s allow him to have some credit. It’s not harming anyone.

Btw he is very correct on the principle of Freedom of Computing. It’s more than just open source. The code must respect the user and his freedom. And today with the complete errosion of privacy this principle is more important than ever.

That’s why I use Linux. But because I fl want to pay for software, but because it respects my freedom. If Linux ever stops doing that I’d have to find another OS.

Everyone forgets this core principle: all these Apple and Windows users just think it’s about what the computer/phone can do for me, with zero thought to the fact that these devices don’t respect their freedom and in most cases are actually spying on them and milking them.

What I like about Android is that it’s open source which means there are lots of eyes on the code, although it doesn’t fully respect my freedom. But it’s better than iOS or Windows mobile etc. And if you really want to, you can install something like Lineage and essentially use AOSP which is the purely open source part.

It’s a pity that Ubuntu Touch never succeeded because that would have been a user freedom respecting OS.
