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i think china is going to have to risk it all and attempt huge geoengineering projects on its own eventually, if i trust anyone on the planet to be able to pull it off it would be them. Of course, best solution is getting the whole world to pull its head out of its ass and I just don’t see that happening anytime soon.


saw an interesting idea elsewhere, everyone’s always nervous that Russian red lines will mean nuclear war, but for instance all this talk about long range missile strikes into russia, given that they will have to be used in conjunction with satellite data, what are the odds that russia blows up a nato satellite instead?

(i personally think the most likely decision is arming Ansar Allah and other enemies of the west openly with more advanced weaponry, but an interesting idea I hadn’t seen brought up elsewhere before)


it’s also just not very useful, they aren’t going to be much more effective than an experienced conscript brigade when fighting on the front lines


There is now increasing consensus among historians that if Stalin had invaded Germany in 1937, it could very well have stopped WWII altogether as Germany was still weaker than the USSR at the time

… you cannot actually believe this to be true do you actually think the west wouldn’t have immediately joined arms against the soviets invading europe??? i know for a fact you yourself have mentioned the west kept trying to influence germany into going after the soviets, is this some bait comment again that I’m falling for?


yes, I don’t mind joking around when you make it clear and don’t bring it into a serious discussion, but the worst is when I see someone use it as a weapon against someone in a serious discussion which gets used way too much on this site


What is Israel even doing right now?

i think they are in zugzwang. they are internally divided in many ways, from the settlers in the north who have been driven out to the haredi to the people angry about the hostages and i wouldnt be surprised if there was more i was forgetting. it’s divided politically too, this government is held together by threads between parties who really fucking hate each other. they are unsure of how to actually eliminate the resistance, they are terrified of hezbollah and iran’s full arsenals. so what options are they left with? every option seems to be a losing move for them.

like so many asymmetrical wars have shown, brutality and genocide towards civilians does not actually win you the war, so trying to do some final solution on gaza where they completely restrict food imports to try and starve the entire civilian population have very little benefit compared to the risks massive escalation that they are terrified of. they can’t get their men to go clear the tunnels, because the rank and file of the IOF arent exactly eager to go into certain death in those tunnels (maybe if they were a unified country they would have the willpower to do it, but like I’ve pointed out they are far from united), and forcing them and gun point and potentially spreading mutiny throughout your army would be an even worse idea. they can’t go for peace because it could cause a civil war, nethanyau needs to hold onto power to avoid prosectuion, and they are genocidal racists. so what action is left? pretty much the only thing i can see is trying to play chicken and get hezbollah and iran to back off so they risks of going the final solution route are lowered?


ah all good then i just have bad anxiety and seeing that comment made it flare up lol

(dm’ed this but realized i should comment it too…)
