Libraries made a lot more sense before the internet. I’m not saying we need to abandon them, there may be a post-internet world sooner than we think . But honestly I feel like any book or literature more than 50 years old should be public domain and free to read on the internet. I don’t care about whatever organization owns the rights to it, fuck them. Let’s make books free to read. I mean yeah, pay the authors while they’re alive, but after that let’s actually share and make things better.
Do what you want. I don’t give a fuck.
Democrats passed the ACA without any Republican support. They should have passed MFA then. It was terrible and made my life much harder at the time. It’s better now, but barely. My wife has a low paying government job and her health insurance costs went up significantly more than her 2% raise. Both of us took cuts in net pay while food, property taxes and seemingly everything else went up. What have Dems done about housing, pay, taxes, food costs in the last term? Nothing. Oh, Biden got one drug to be cheaper. But I’m not ba diabetic. Yet.
I wish he’d fund meals for kids in schools with that money. We did it for awhile right after COVID but now lunch ladies have to go back to collecting food debt.
If you’re going to use violence, be very smart about your targets who, where, how. You want those in power to fear, not the average gun toting American who is just trying to pay rent and buy food. If you make that population fear for their lives they won’t hesitate to kill you and in most of this country they could do so legally.