IMO too much “Tutorial”, not enough Review. For example:
The spectrwm workflow is unique. It took me awhile to become acquainted with the standard flow and gain comfort in using it. I did have to bend, fold, and spindle the environment a bit
You haven’t written a single word on how it’s different from any tiling manager, nor what and why you changed.
Generally the article feels like the first comment in unixporn, where you list out your relevant dotfiles. The only extra information is that you like it, and a list of dependencies for your config.
This shows something else. The traditional languages are all more common than Rust.
It’s a survey from 2019, but in those rust is traditionally the favourite language nobody uses professionally.
I suppose Go could be a good competitor, and I read a thread comparing C=Go, C++=Rust.
Go’s syintax is C inspired, but it’s not made to replace it, nor do they compete in the same space.
Look at zig instead of you’re interested in that.
I am interested in a discussion about that, as I would like to learn one of these languages
Skip rust unless you have years to get good at it.
If you’re running unstable system packages, immutability won’t really save your stability.
So don’t complicate it, and just use Debian with nix and home-manager. That way you have a stable base, and you can create a list of bleeding edge packages that should be installed. In any case it should be essentially only docker + whatever can’t be dockerised.