Drink verification can.
Jokes on them I block them on the DNS level.
I’m making a list, and I’ll be checking it thrice lol.
Gonna ban all major sites and IPs. The Internet used to be about the small guy not the downtown.
If Nintendo was smart they would SELL their stuff on Steam. But they are Xenophobic and don’t want to play outside their sandbox. That plus Japanese-boomer is a whole new kind of boomer.
The bullies won.
Is it me or is source forge just the mark of dead things.
I always avoid that place. It feels like where you go to get broken stuff.
They’re gonna take me out back and shoot me for saying it but Launchpad too. Like I’m glad it works for you but it feels like when Debian had a website in 2015 that looked like 1997. How are we going to attract new talent when the rift between the average developers and the old guard widens over time. All the git VCS modernization supercharged development. Like bugzilla was “fine”, but " fine" was the problem in a world of better when you couldn’t even upload a > 250kb jpeg and other legacy hold us back stuff.
Maybe Nintendo should sue the power company for providing electricity for those people who played Zelda ahead of time.
While they’re at it they should sue VMWare too and maybe reboot the API lawsuits of Oracle vs Google.