The Book That Wouldn’t Burn by Mark Lawrence
I just recently read an article about Overdrive and KKR, the company that bought both Overdrive and now this publisher. It was a really disheartening read for what’s happening in the books market.
Article: https://karawynn.substack.com/p/the-coming-enshittification-of-public-libraries
This is unfortunate. I just bought one a couple months ago but haven’t even opened it yet.
Chinese products. After living there for a decade, I now actively try and avoid buying products made there—or Chinese companies—at the least.
I had no idea that they even still did this. I assumed it ended years ago. Interesting.
As someone who hasn’t personally done any of these tests but whose relatives (aunts/cousins) have, does anyone know how much of my personal information is now up for sale?
While I agree in my dislike for the current Republican Party, the attitude of blindly voting for your team because the other is evil is exactly what my (late) fox-addicted grandfather used to uphold. I loved the man, but I think we ought to do better and do the hard work of researching every candidate and choosing the best, be it democrat, republican, or independent.